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Published July 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 7,200-square-foot educational facility.

The University of Washington is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified architects/engineers to provide design services for the Big Ten Broadcast Control Center. The University intends to utilize the General Contractor Construction Manager (GC/CM) contracting method for this project. The BCC location has been identified as the East Practice Court located in Hec Ed Arena. The Scope of the work, to be further developed in design, will be a renovation of the existing open 7200 SF gym. A typical UW game day will require multiple shows to be produced out of the broadcast production facility. All productions have unique needs and require independent control rooms. The rooms share resources, including cameras, intercoms, and core equipment, but also require dedicated equipment. This includes additional camera(s) for fan interaction and breakaways, as well as additional intercom channels to split the control rooms into independent systems. The production facility should include the following program: . (4) Control Rooms: Two larger rooms with audio control room and two smaller control rooms . (1) Technical Operation Center (TOC) Equipment Room . Offices: A mix of enclosed offices and open workstations . (1) Production Studio: with editing and streaming stations . (1) Secure Storage Room for equipment . (1) Event Space for donor events All room layouts are prescriptive in nature. UW has performed a feasibility study which outlines project data sheets for each room type. In addition to program, the project will require special attention to acoustics in both production and event spaces, cooling requirements for increased equipment loads, and new panelboards to service the added broadcasting equipment. Schedule risks include: . Procurement of long-lead items including but not limited to computer room air conditioner (CRAC) units, chillers, and new electrical infrastructure. . Permitting timelines, including the potential implementation of 2021 Seattle Energy Code. . Potential for substantial alteration with the increased demand for cooling and electrical infrastructure. The University intends to utilize the General Contractor Construction Manager (GC/CM) contracting method for this project, and also intends to utilize the early selection process for mechanical and electrical subcontractors (EC&MC/CM), as authorized under RCW 39.10. Last day for request for information: July 30, 2024 All questions regarding this RFQ should be addressed to Carmen Scraper, Project Manager, at (206)833-6989, or by e-mail at cscraper@uw.edu.




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