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Published July 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Frederick, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Heating and cooling and air conditioning HVAC construction and maintenance services. The Maryland School for the Deaf (MSD or the "Agency") is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) in order to Repair a broken Chiller for MSDFrederick campus at 101 Clarke Place Frederick, MD 21705. 2.1.1 It is the State's intention to obtain goods and services, as specified in this RFP, from a Contract between the selected Offeror and the State. 2.1.2 The Agency intends to make a single award. Section 4.9 Award Basis for more Contract award information. 2.1.3 An Offeror, either directly or through its subcontractor(s), must be able to provide all goods and services and meet all of the requirements requested in this solicitation and the successful Offeror (the Contractor) shall remain responsible for Contract performance regardless of subcontractor participation in the work. 2.1.4 A Contract award does not ensure a Contractor will receive all or any State business under the Contract. The Maryland School for the Deaf (MSD or the "Agency") is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) in order to provide Chiller Repair to the Frederick Campus. The contractor shall provide: Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, and supervision to install the following during normal business hours. 1. Contractor will recover the refrigerant from the chiller and store it onsite. 2. Contractor will remove suction ELL and replace both gaskets. 3. Contractor will furnish and install two purge solenoid valves. 4. Contractor will furnish and install one VFD coolant pump. 5. Contractor will furnish and install one purge pump, transducer, float switch and check valve. 6. Contractor will furnish and install two new rupture disk gaskets. 7. Upon furnishing and installing the contractor will evacuate and recharge the chiller system. 8. Contractor will Start-up and check the operation of the system. Liquidated Damages 3.2.1 MBE Liquidated Damages Inapplicable because there is no MBE goal for this RFP. 3.2.2 Liquidated Damages other than MBE Question Deadline 07/31/2024 at 5:00 PM ET All questions shall be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Procurement Officer.




Public - State/Provincial


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101 Clarke Pl, Frederick, MD

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