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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Detroit, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number : 0000357741 Qualified, responsible, and responsive proposals from Respondents to establish a Qualified List of Restoration and Mitigation Contractor(s) on call to provide Disaster Recovery / Stabilizing Services when needed to recover from disaster and time critical emergency related events. Tentative Award Date: September 26, 2024 Contract Start Date: October 01, 2024 Background : The Detroit Regional Convention Facility Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "DRCFA" or "Authority" was established and composed under authority granted by the Michigan Legislature in the State of Michigan Public Act 63 - HB 4998. The DRCFA is governed pursuant to the Regional Convention Facility Authority Act, Act 554, Public Acts of Michigan, 2008, and as amended, 141.1355 effective March 29, 2023. (the "DRCFA Act"). The DRCFA assumed full operational and facility management control of the existing Convention and Exhibition Center (the "Facility") on September 15, 2009, via a thirty (30) year lease arrangement with the City of Detroit. The DRCFA is governed by a five-member Board established by the enabling legislation and is comprised of appointees from the State of Michigan, Wayne County, Oakland County, Macomb County, and the City of Detroit. The existing two (2) million plus square foot convention and exhibition Facility is currently in operation and, among other on-going annual events, has been the host facility for the North American International Auto Show (renamed in 1989) since 1961. General Overview of Project DRCFA is seeking qualified, responsible, and responsive proposals from Respondents to establish a Qualified List of Restoration and Mitigation Contractor(s) on call to provide Disaster Recovery / Stabilizing Services when needed to recover from disaster and time critical emergency related events. The Awarded Contractor may also be called upon during the Contract term to render services to assist DRCFA with special needs and events for other than Catastrophic Life and Property disasters. This RFP does NOT include emergency services on technology equipment and/or data. Respondents shall possess the necessary equipment and vehicles, and provide qualified, licensed, and experienced personnel to fulfill the requirements of this RFP. Respondents must be licensed and certified to work in the City of Detroit. Work must be performed in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, regulations, zoning and building codes, as well as current MIOSHA guidelines and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. All work within 50 feet (horizontally and vertically) of the People Mover tracks will require advance coordination with the People Mover management team. Question Deadline: 08/13/2024 at 4:00 PM ET , Questions regarding these specifications may be directed, in writing only, by email to: Laura Harrington, Purchasing Director . Questions are submitted online: No Bid Security: Bid Security is not needed. Performance and Payment Bonds : Performance and Payment Bonds are not necessary. Unless terminated in accordance with Section 22, the term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing 2024; provided, however, that DRCFA may, at its option, extend this Agreement for one (1) more five (5) year period, for a maximum total of ten (10) years DRCFA reserves the sole right to modify any/all of the above dates. DRCFA reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part, to award to other than the low cost Respondent, to accept any or all alternatives, and to waive any irregularities and/or informalities therein or accept any Proposal it may deem in the best interest of the Authority. Any proposal determined to be non-responsive to any RFP requirements, including instructions governing submission and format, will be disqualified unless the Authority determines, in its sole discretion, that non-compliance is not substantial or that an alternative proposal is acceptable.


Conference / Convention Centers

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 5, 2024

October 7, 2024


1 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI

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