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Published August 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Monkton, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Contractor to provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, insurance, etc., necessary to replace the exterior decking and railings at Gunpowder Falls State Park, Monkton Train Station located at 1820 Monkton Road, Monkton, MD 21111. Please email or call the Procurement Officer, Shenika Jackson at (410)260-8903 or shenika.jackson2@maryland.gov for any questions relating to this project. The project classification for this solicitation is: Under $100,000.00 Question Deadline 08/02/2024 at 2:00 PM ET If you have any questions regarding this solicitation, contact the Procurement Officer, Perry Otwell at (443)758-3029 or by email at: perrv.otwell@maryland.gov. Please submit all questions regarding this project in writing by emailing Shenika Jackson, Shenika.iackson2@marvland.gov The Contractor agrees that the price will be firm for a time period of ninety (90) calendar days from the bid opening date to execution of the contract by the State. The work shall be completed within 60 calendar days from the date of notice to proceed. If the work is not completed within the time period specified, the contractor will be liable for liquidated damages of $150.00 per calendar day as specified in the "General Conditions". Contractor to provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, insurance, etc., necessary to replace the exterior decking and railings at Gunpowder Falls State Park, Monkton Train Station located at 1820 Monkton Road, Monkton, MD 21111. Removal of all decking boards, approximately two-thousand four-hundred eighty (2,480) Square Feet (SF). After removal ofthe existing decking boards, inspect the 2x8 wood floorjoist framing and confirm with the DNR Project Engineer if any should be replaced due to wood rot using Unit Price #1, approximately one hundred (100) LF. Removal of all railings, approximately one-hundred eighty-five (185) Linear Feet (LF). Removal of all railing posts, approximately twenty-six (26). e. Remove the existing shed from deck and place on the concrete pad at the rear of the building. Shed is approximately 54"Dx89"Wxl 18"H, with a slate roof and a removable metal coil door. Contractor shall take the necessary steps to protect shed from damage, including, but not limited to; adding proper support framing; partially disassemble, such as the door removal; and/or other means to protect structure to move from deck and onto concrete pad. Damage to the structure will be repaired at the contractor's expense. Inspect the 2x12 wood framing band board that wraps around the exterior of deck and confirm with the DNR Project Engineer if any should be replaced using Unit Price #2, approximately fifty (50) LF. A. SCOPE: g. Install new railing posts with the same custom machining for rails and anchoring as original posts, approximately twenty-six (26) posts. This work will be inspected closely for reproduction quality of the original. Install new 2x6 decking boards, approximately two-thousand four-hundred eighty (2,480) SF. These boards are to be installed in the same directional pattern as original. Contractor shall document the existing pattern to ensure accuracy of the new boards. Install new railing, approximately one-hundred eighty-five (185) LF. Rails are to be constructed and installed in the same manner as original. This work will be inspected closely for reproduction quality ofthe original. j. All wood surfaces shall be sealed with a clear, exterior wood sealer, to include; the deck; railings; railing posts; exposed framing. Properly dispose of construction debris from the job site and leave it in pre construction condition.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1820 Monkton Rd, Monkton, MD

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