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Site work for a water / sewer project in Piscataway, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Question Deadline 09/11/2024 at 12:00 PM ET Any Questions Must Be E-mailed to Phone Calls Will Not Be Accepted There Will Be No Exceptions. Bid No. 2024-09-28 Below are locations with a brief description of what is likely needed for the improvement. 1. Intersection of Wyckoff Avenue and Brentwood Dr. : Install 4" PVC with a clean out to handle sump pump at house # 405 Brentwood Dr. The 4" line will be behind the curb except when it needs to cross Wyckoff Ave where it is asphalt. The distance of the 4" PVC is about 200'. All shall be restored after pipe install. The pipe depth is expected to be around 2'. It is expected that a 1' excavation bucket is used. 2. This location is to move the water from the sump pump at 484 Highland Ave. Install a clean out on the side of the house on Witherspoon. From the connection to the catch basin on Witherspoon St is about 330'. The intent is to be around 2 feet deep as utilities allow. There will be asphalt repair on crossing Roosevelt Ave and Witherspoon St as the construction will all be on the roadway. It is expected that a 1' excavation bucket is used. The inlet will need to be reset with 2 new courses of masonry. 3. This location is to move water from the sump pump at 1650 Jerome St. Install a cleanout at the connection from the house sump pump and at pipe turns. This area will require about 135' of 4" PVC. It will have to cut the roadway by Rock Avenue and tie into the Inlet on Rock Avenue from the back. To do so, there will be sidewalks that must be removed and replaced, also pavement must be removed and replaced, there will be digging in from of 1650 Jerome St., but the intent is to dig in grass area until it must cross the roadway. It is expected that a 1' excavation bucket is used. 4. 640 South Randolpville Rd there is a need of about 220' for 4" perforated pipe to allow groundwater easier access to the inlet. This work is to be performed behind the curb. 5. 81 Sturbridge Dr East, there is a need to connect the sump pump into the inlet. The run is about 80' and will be done on the roadway side. It will require saw cutting the roadway to allow a 1' bucket. The inlet will be reset with 2 new courses and a cleanout installed behind curb.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Piscataway, NJ

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