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Published August 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Soffit Repair at CHI Health Center Omaha The Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority (MECA) has a bid offering for Soffit Repair at CHI Health Center Omaha. The Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority ("MECA") is requesting proposals from qualified organizations interested in performing all services to repair a damaged drywall soffit in the Exhibit Hall at CHI Health Center Omaha ("CHIHCO"). MECA is responsible for managing the operations of this Facility Drywall (based on 50 sq. ft. of replacement) Question Deadline 07/29/2024 at 1:00 PM CT All inquiries regarding this RFP must be made in writing and addressed to kshiers@omahameca.com. This project is to repair approximately 50 square feet of damaged drywall soffit to include (but not limited to) replacing damaged drywall, patching existing drywall where possible, as well as prep, prime, and paint the soffit. Bidder is responsible for providing all materials, supplies, labor, and equipment necessary to perform and complete all aspects of the work outlined in this RFP for a full and complete repair. Bidders will view the area during the mandatory pre-bid meeting. The successful Bidder will be required to field measure the area for exact dimensions. Unit prices established in the bid will apply to any adjustments in quantities. MECA can provide a 32' scissor lift to complete the work. Drywall Repairs: o Replace damaged bottom portion of the soffit measuring approximately 25' x 2' o Replace or repair damaged drywall on west side of the soffit wall (bidder will determine) Metal Stud: Note: The wall in which the work is being done is not structural. o The framing doesn't appear to be structurally damaged, however it has been shifted from its original location. o If possible, adjust the existing framing to its original state. o For bidding purposes, we will establish cost per linear foot of the recommended drywall framing metal stud for this application (to match the existing) in the event that it must be replaced. o quantity (linear feet) will be determined with winning Bidder, if needed. Painting: o All areas that are replaced or repaired must be painted to match the existing wall and soffit. o The walls must be prepped in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The successful Bidder must patch cracks and other wall imperfections. After repairs, the area to receive the paint must be coated with a sealer or mud/compound where needed and sanded prior to paint application. MECA will not specify products to be used. o Area is approximately 50 sq. ft. o MECA will provide the paint for the successful Bidder. work can take place within the date range of August 5th - September 6th, 2024




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455 N 10th St, Omaha, NE

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