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Published November 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Holland, Michigan. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

As of November 1, 2024, an engineer has been selected for the project. A firm timeline for construction has not been established. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: LEIN Check (Department of Corrections ONLY) All contractor / vendor representatives attending Preproposal Walk Through Meeting must submit a Vendor / Contractor LEIN Request form five business days prior to the meeting date (See the attached Vendor/Contractor LEIN Request Form). Send the LEIN Request form, filled and signed, by email to Daniel T. Smith at email address: smithD76@michigan.gov . The email "Subject" must include (facility name, project name, date and time of Pre-Proposal Walk Through Meeting) PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SERVICES REQUESTED On behalf of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Parks and Recreation Division (PRD), the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) is requesting professional architectural and engineering services for a Phase 100 Study and Phase 300 Schematic Design of a new splash pad. The DNR is planning to install a splash pad at the beachfront of one state park to increase safety by providing alternative water recreation for visitors when hazardous water conditions exist. The splash pad will be in either the Holland State Park or the Warren Dunes State Park, likely near the day-use swim area beach. The awarded Professional Services Contractor (PSC) will conduct a Phase 100 Study and recommend a preferred splash pad location in the day use area of each state park and recommend which of the two parks is optimal for hosting a splash pad. The Study should include considerations for soil conditions, required utilities, proximity to restrooms, parking requirements, accessibility, wind-blown sand conditions, ease of maintenance, observation areas, spatial limitations, budget restrictions, critical dunes, etc. Upon DNR acceptance of the Phase 100 recommendations, the PSC will proceed into Phase 300 Schematic Design. The PSC will develop two different schematic design options in each park for a splash pad. Then a third, final design option for each park will be adjusted and refined based on DNR feedback of the designs presented in the first two options of each park. Both final park splash pad schematic designs must address the following: Master plan with spatial configuration of the splash pad and amenities, circulation, structures, etc. water features and play elements of the splash pad, and how they operate, splash pad water management system (drain away, recirculation, or hybrid), infrastructure tie-ins (water supply, storm and sanitary sewer, and electrical), ground surfacing materials (durable, anti-slip, temperature, wet-edge transition) amenities including shading, benches, seat walls, and picnic tables, lighting, surrounding landscaping, connections to parking and existing restrooms, accessibility, design impacts from existing soil conditions, and other relevant items not noted above. The PSC must conduct a survey of the community and host an open house at each park to obtain public input from adults and children regarding splash pad features and amenities, report the public input findings to the DNR and DTMB, and incorporate findings into the final Phase 300 Schematic Design as directed by the DNR and DTMB. The PSC must provide an opinion of construction cost for the final splash pad schematic designs, including installation of a complete splash pad system, surroundings, and all necessary support elements. In addition, the PSC must provide budgets for operational costs, including seasonal opening/closing, maintenance labor, energy, water usage, monitoring, and administration. Question Deadline 08/08/2024 at 2:00 PM ET ACCEPTING RFP QUESTIONS UNTIL: Please do not submit online questions via VSS. ALL questions should be emailed to Heather DeKorte at dekorteh@michigan.gov address The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 15, 2025


Multiple Locations, Holland, MI

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