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Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Phoenix, Arizona. Completed plans call for the construction of a 13,233-square-foot, one-story above grade fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide construction services for the project listed below. Phoenix Fire Station No. 74 is a new single-story building of approximately 13,233 square feet. The proposed facility includes three apparatus bays, 13 dormitories, fitness room, kitchen, and work/living space. The project also includes the construction of a helipad to be located adjacent to the station. The proposed project will disturb about 3.07 acres of the 7.74-acre parcel assigned to the project. The fire station is designed per the City of Phoenix Fire Department building design standards and will incorporate environmental design principals similar to LEED to reduce energy consumption and water preservation. The building envelop is composed of insulating concrete forms and concrete masonry unit walls with conventional wood, steel framing, and insulated metal deck roof. A Small Business Enterprise goal of 13% has been established for this project. Bidders must submit a properly completed proposal guarantee in the form of certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond provided, for an amount not less than 10 percent of the total amount bid included in the proposal as a guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract to perform the proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications. Questions pertaining to process or contract issues should be directed to Kevin Query at (602) 495-2461 or Question Deadline 08/13/2024 Plans, Technical/Special Provisions, Proposal or Specifications: NAME: Kevin Query, Design and Construction Procurement ADDRESS: 200 W. Washington Street, 5th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1611 PHONE: (602) 495-2461 E-MAIL: The City reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible responsive bidder or all bids will be rejected, as soon as practicable after the date of opening bids.


Fire / Police


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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