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Site work for a water / sewer project in Phoenix, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The general character of the work for this Project includes supplying all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to perform the following major work items involving an existing 24-inch potable water line near or at Bear Creek Drive located in Phoenix, Oregon: . Acquisition of permits and issuance of all required notifications. . Installation of temporary traffic controls. . Potholing to identify the extents of installed mechanical restraints. . Installation of split bell restraint harnesses on unrestrained joints. . Installation of two flexible expansion joints. This project will increase seismic resiliency of the TAP watermain. A 2019 seismic resiliency study of the TAP system identified the watermain section located under Bear Creek Drive as being vulnerable to failure during a large seismic event due to that section of pipeline being unrestrained and installed within fill material. The project involves retrofitting approximately 900 linear feet of 24-inch ductile iron watermain by installing split bell restraint harnesses on currently un-restrained bell-spigot connections, and installation of two flexible expansion joints, that will allow for lateral and vertical movement at both ends of the pipe section to protect the integrity of the watermain during a seismic event. The deadline to file a written protest or request, pursuant to the Instructions to Bidders to change contract terms, conditions or specifications is not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. Bid closing may be extended by the City to consider a protest or request.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Bear Creek Dr, Phoenix, OR

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