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Published August 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Springfield, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Conduit Install - Laura St Prevailing Wage Required Contractor shall commence and complete performance on approximately the following dates: Start date on 8-2-24 and end on 8-23-24 unless SUB extends the time of performance. If the Utility estimates the Public Improvement contract resulting from this bid will exceed $100,000, each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or a certified cashier s check upon a bank in good standing, payable to SUB, in an amount equal to at least ten (10%) percent of the total amount of the bid Payment & Performance Bond: If the contract that results from this bid exceeds $100,000, the successful bidder shall furnish SCOPE OF WORK Springfield Utility Board (SUB) seeks a contractor to install underground facilities consisting of three (3) two-inch conduits, and five (3) conduits, one small secondary pedestal, one large secondary pedestal, one 4x6 vault, and one 4x4vault. The work will consist of directional boring and/or open trenching. Work will include, but not limited to, conduit installed per SUB specifications. Install 3 conduit starting from existing secondary Pedestal at 2375 Laura Street to the South 140, and a new small Pedestal at 2345 Laura Street. Install 3 conduit starting from new Pole 24109 at 363 Lindale Drive to the West 60, and a new large Pedestal at 363 Lindale Drive Install 2 conduit starting from existing Pole 88105 at 363 Lindale Drive to the East 50, and a new 4X6 Vault at 198 Prasad Court. Please provide itemized bid for this vault, as it may be set by SUB crews due to location near energized conductor. Install 2 conduit starting from existing Pole 71157 at 2150 Laura Street to the East 80, and a new 4x 4 vault 24A015 at 2161 Laura Street Install 2 conduit starting from new vault 24A015 at 2150 Laura Street to the West 250, to existing vault 92A034 at 2150 Laura Street Install 3 conduit starting from new vault 24A015 at 2161 Laura Street to the East 40 to existing pole 91045 at 2161 Street Install 3 conduit starting from existing Pole 09051 at 2110 Laura Street to the East 50, to new pole 24108 at 2101 Laura Street Install 3 conduit starting from existing Pole 09051 at 2110 Laura Street to the East 50 and then North 70 to existing pole 58024 at 2143 Laura Street Contractor is responsible for requesting underground utility locates, private locates, and is responsible for pot holing as necessary. Contractor will acquire Encroachment Permit. Contractor shall provide SUB a copy of all permits prior to commencing work.




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August 1, 2024

August 2, 2024


2375 Laura St, Springfield, OR

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