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Published September 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Lake Forest, Illinois. Design plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

As of September 19, 2024, the city has approved a design team. Construction timeline has not been established yet. City of Lake Forest ("City") is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to perform: Architecture & Engineering Design Services - New Police Station (Adaptive Reuse) The City of Lake Forest ("City") is soliciting proposals from qualified firms based on the criteria/requirements outlined in this Request for Proposal ("RFP"). The intent of this RFP is to contract with a professional architecture/design firm with expertise related specifically to providing design services for the adaptive reuse of an existing building, 1925 W Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045, for a new Police Station. The purpose of this RFP is to select a professional services firm to provide the City with comprehensive architecture and design services to complete a design, prepare construction documents, assist with the public construction bid process, and provide construction engineering support services related to a new Police Station. The City has recently purchased the building and property located at 1925 W Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045, with the intent to complete an adaptive reuse design and construction process for a new Police Station. As part of the purchase process, the City completed a comprehensive facility condition assessment and a space needs analysis. Both reports are available via the RFP package. It should also be noted that the City intends to engage with a professional construction management services firm, via a separate RFP process, to provide further design and cost estimating support via this design process. The selected architecture and design services firm will be expected to work collaboratively with the selected construction management firm. Architecture & engineering design services for the new Police Station include, but are not limited to, the development of conceptual design, completion of final design and construction documents, cost estimating services during multiple stages of design (30%, 60%, 90%), bidding documents and bid process support, and project engineering construction oversight. Additionally, the selected firm will be expected to collaborate with City staff and will be required to present design plans to City Boards and Commissions which will include City Council. Any submissions received subsequent to the aforementioned date and time, may be disqualified and returned to the submitting firm. The City of Lake Forest reserves the right to reject any and all submissions or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the process.


Fire / Police


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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August 15, 2025


1925 W Field Ct, Lake Forest, IL

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New Police Station (Adaptive Reuse) - City of Lake Forest

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