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Published July 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Young, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Yellow man Siphon is a combination of a 36-inch diameter buried HDPE and above-ground steel pipe located within the Nenahnezad Chapter of the Navajo Nation. The siphon conveys irrigation water via the Fruitland Canal to the Nenahnezad and San Juan chapters. The total length of Yellowman Siphon is approximately 10,000 feet. The buried HDPE pipe (3,351 feet) was constructed in March 2022 replacing the above-ground steel pipe. The new HDPE pipe ended and tied into the 36-inch diameter concrete pipe entering the side of a hill before going into a tunnel. There was a leak in the vicinity of the termination point in the concrete pipe. The concrete was finally repaired after several attempts but the entire concrete pipe needs to be replaced. An inspection of the interior of the concrete pipe revealed significantly deteriorated and separated joints in many locations. There are a total of 26 concrete pipe sections (8-foot sections) in place. All of the concrete pipe will be replaced. The total length of the concrete pipe is approximately 256 feet including elbows. Contact Mr. Francis Johnson, P.E., at fjaansin@gmail.com for questions or additional information. SCOPE OF WORK The concrete pipe needs to be replaced because it has reached its economic life and has become uneconomical and very unreliable. The design-build project will complete the following: Final Design 1. Complete a final design for replacing the concrete pipe. The design will include design reviews at 30%, 60% and 90% or as necessary. This will also include any survey requirements such as topography and of the existing structure. 2. The design drawings and specifications will be stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New Mexico. 3. Perform project and budget management for the duration of the project including surveying, any required testing and a final construction schedule. 4. The Engineer in collaboration with the Department of Water Resources will provide construction oversight of the project. Construction 1. The project will be constructed according to the final design. 2. Detach the connection to the HDPE pipe and uncover, remove and properly dispose of the existing concrete inlet structure and the buried concrete pipe up the hill. 3. Expose and remove the existing vertical airway that goes from inside the tunnel to the ground surface on the side of the hill and replace with a minimum 36-inch diameter manhole. 4. Furnish and install approximately 300 feet of new 36-inch diameter HDPE pipe from the end of the recently installed HDPE pipe, up the side of the hill and terminate at the existing outlet at the start of the tunnel. All work includes earthwork, unloading/handling HDPE pipe, mechanical The Navajo Nation reserves the right to reject any and all proposals


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

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RFP D/B - Yellowman Siphon Concrete Pipe Replacement Project

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