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Published July 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Terre Haute, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Posting Does Not Constitute a Solicitation and Shall Not Be Construed as a Commitment by the Government. Responses in Any Form Are Not Offers and the Government is Under No Obligation to Award a Contract as a Result of This Announcement. No Funds Are Available to Pay for Preparation of Responses to This Announcement. Any Information Submitted by Respondents to This Technical Description is Strictly Voluntary. This Sources Sought is Not a Request for Proposal. This is not a request for either a quote or proposal. This announcement is considered market research in accordance with FAR Part 10. ****************** NO SOLICITATION IS BEING ISSUED AT THIS TIME **************** The purpose of this synopsis is to identify qualified vendors capable of providing items in accordance with the requirements listed below. Please provide the company name, city and state OR country if applicable, and POCs with telephone, fax and/or email information. All of this information can be submitted to 2d Lt Jacob Johnson at jacob.johnson.46@us.af.mil. Phone 812-877-5211. We thank you in advance for your assistance. INTRODUCTION The 181st Intelligence Wing, Indiana Air National Guard; 900 Petercheff Street, Terre Haute IN 47803, has a requirement to provide, replace, and dispose of an GNB Marathon FPX Industrial Battery 80 Volt in a a Hyster Forklift, Model Number: J50Z-28. ELIGIBILITY The PSC for this requirement is 6140; the NAICS is 811310 with a size standard of $12,500,000. All interested businesses are encouraged to respond. ANTICIPATED DELIVERY DATE The anticipated delivery for the contract will be 90 days after award of contract. SALIENT CHARACTERISTCS 1) Vendor must posess abilities to remove and dispose of existing GNB Marathon FPX Industrial Battery 80 volt and replace it with new battery that is compatiable with Hyster Forklift, Model Number: J50Z-28. 2) Battery must include single point watering system and indicator light. 3) Battery must be 80 Volt, 500 Ah. 40" x 27.5" x 30.5" SUBMISSION DETAILS Interested businesses may submit a brief capabilities statement package (no more than 3, 8.5 x 11 inch pages, font no smaller than 12 point, 1.5 spaced) demonstrating their ability to provide the supplies listed in the salient characteristics described herein. All responses shall include Company Name, Company Address, Company CAGE Code, Comany UEI Number, Company Business Size under NAICS code 811310, and Points-of-Contact (POC) including name, phone number, fax number, and email address. In addition, the documentation shall include whether you intend to pursue the opportunity as a prime contractor or a subcontractor, whether any joint venture or teaming arrangements will be used (provide as much detail as possible at this time). The capability statement package shall be sent by email to jacob.johnson.46@us.af.mil. Propritary or classified material SHALL NOT be submitted. Submissions must be recieved at the email address cited no later than 1:00 pm Eastern Time on August 2, 2024. Questions or comments regarding this notice may be addressed to 2d Lt Jacob Johnson at the cited email address. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.



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August 1, 2025


To Be Determined, Terre Haute, IN

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