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Renovation of a municipal facility in Myersville, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

South Mountain I-70 East & West Welcome Center Geothermal HVAC System Repairs SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR SERVICES 1. Location: South Mountain I-70 East Welcome Center. Repair (4) 3-inch polyethylene geothermal lines. Refer to ATTACHMENT A for approximate location. Prior to repair, the Contractor shall provide a private utility locating service to provide Quality Level B Utility Designation in the anticipated area of the damaged geothermal pipes. Excavate in the area of anticipated damage. The geothermal piping is approximately 6 feet below grade. Minimize excavation disturbance to the maximum extent practicable. If the damaged geothermal piping is located, then repairs shall be made using mechanical joint fittings suitable for polyethylene pipe use. The excavated area shall be backfilled with the material that was removed and compacted in 8 inch lifts. Disturbed grass areas shall be restored with 4 inches of topsoil, seed and mulch. Access to the Welcome Center shall be maintained at all times. If the damaged geothermal piping is not located within the anticipated area of damage as shown in Attachment A then the Contractor shall excavate two (2) additional areas no larger than 10 feet x 10 feet at an agreed upon location by the Contractor and the SHA to locate the damaged pipes. A previous utility designation mapping was performed in 2011 and is included as ATTACHMENT C for reference. 2. Location: South Mountain I-70 East Welcome Center and South Mountain I-70 West Welcome Center. Provide Geothermal Loop Flush and Fills at both the East and West Welcome Centers. Refer to ATTACHMENT B for existing Geothermal and HVAC drawings. The Loop Flush and Fill work shall be as follows: a. East Welcome Center Geothermal Flush and Fill - 2 Loops: i. Prior to loop flush and fill work, repair damaged underground geothermal piping as described in item 1. ii. Contractor shall isolate the Geothermal Loop from the building system. iii. Using existing flush ports, Contractor shall utilize a vacuum truck and tanker truck to pull 20% Environol solution from the geothermal loop while pumping potable water to flush the system. iv. Once the geothermal loop is flushed clean the Contractor shall refill the geothermal loop with potable water. v. Contractor shall then open all valves to the system. b. West Welcome Center Geothermal Flush and Fill - 2 Loops: i. Contractor shall isolate the Geothermal Loops from the building system. ii. Using existing flush ports, Contractor shall utilize a vacuum truck and tanker truck to pull 20% Environol solution from the geothermal loop while pumping potable water to flush the system. iii. Once the geothermal loop is flushed clean the Contractor shall refill the geothermal loop with potable water. iv. Contractor shall then open all valves to the system. DURATION OF BID OFFER Prices submitted in response to this solicitation are irrevocable for ninety (90) days following the due date. The Procurement Officer may, however, request vendors to extend the time during which the State may accept their bids. Once a bid is accepted, all prices, terms, and conditions shall remain unchanged throughout the contract period. Questions due by November 13, 2024 by 10:00 AM.




Public - State/Provincial


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November 19, 2024

December 19, 2024


I-70, Myersville, MD

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