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Published July 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, department of Corrections requires pumping services to one (1) 10,000-gallon Grease Trap at SCI Phoenix located at 1200 Mokychic Drive, Collegeville, PA 19426. In addition to the routine pumping services, emergency pumping service may be required. Any questions regarding the aspects of this bid should be directed to Ron Schlotzhauer, Procurement Specialist 1 at 610-409-7890, x1470 or email at rschlotzha@pa.gov Contractor to provide cleaning/pumping service to the trap once per month. If the monthly cleaning/pumping service requires more than one trip to complete, the contractor agrees to invoice as one cleaning and/or trip. If the routine pumping services falls on a holiday, the vendor will contact Sam Kurtz, 610-409-7890, x1441 to reschedule. Services shall be performed during normal working hours. If additional emergency service should be needed during the effective time period of this contract, contractor agrees to respond within a twenty-four (24) hour time period after notification from SCI Phoenix. Should emergency service be requested, the applicable rate for service at other than normal working hours will prevail. This purchase order will be for estimated requirements. If additional services are needed during the validity dates of this order, vendor agrees to provide them at originally quoted price(s). Quantities are estimated and may increase/decrease based on the needs of the facility. Contract Requirements: Contractor must be licensed and/or certified to perform the requested services in the Commonwealth as described herein. Vendor to pay any permits or dumping fees associated with disposal. The Contractor agrees to comply with ex. Construction, prevailing wages, etc. The contractor shall abide by all Department of Corrections rules and regulations while on State Property. Insurance Requirements: The contractor shall purchase and maintain at its expense the following types of insurance issued by companies acceptable to the Commonwealth. A. Workmen's Compensation Insurance sufficient to cover all of the employees of contractor working to fulfill this contract. B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance including bodily injury and property damage insurance to protect the Commonwealth and the contractor from claims arising out of the performance of the contract. The amount of bodily injury insurance shall not be less than $500,000 for injury to or death of persons per occurrence. The amount of property damage insurance shall not be less than $300,000 per occurrence. Contract Term: The contract term shall commence upon execution and receipt of purchase order. The Commonwealth, with the mutual consent of the Contractor, shall have the option of four (4) one (1) year renewals to begin respectively at the expiration of the then current term, upon the same terms, covenants, and conditions, provided; however, that the Contract has not been terminated. Any renewal year costs/increases will be negotiated with the vendor at the time of renewal. Notice of the election by the Commonwealth to exercise the option hereunder shall be given to the Contractor in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the then current terms. The Commonwealth reserves the right, upon notice to the Contractor, to extend the Contract/PO or any part of the Contract/PO for up to three (3) months upon the same terms and conditions. An extension will be utilized to prevent a lapse in Contract/PO coverage and only for the time necessary, up to three (3) months, to enter into a new contract.


Jails / Prisons

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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1200 Mokychic Rd, Collegeville, PA

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1177-21620 Grease Trap Pumping

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