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Published September 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Barbourville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

As of September 26, 2024 project was awarded to Southeast Contracting, but awarded amount is not available. Description- The project site is located at 200 Minton Hickory Farm Road, Barbourville, KY 40906. The bid is to furnish all necessary labor, materials, tools, machinery, warranties, and all other items required to meet the new work per plans and specifications. Work to include, but not limited to: General Trades, Masonry, Rough Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Foundations, Earthwork, Exterior Concrete, Asphalt, Site Utilities, and Playground Equipment. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the opening. Each bid must include a bid security in the amount of 10% of the total bid in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or surety company bond made payable to the Knox County Fiscal Court. If a bid security in the amount of 5% of the full bid amount is submitted with the bid, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and labor and material bond from an acceptable surety in the amount of 100% of the full contract amount. If a bid guaranty bond in the amount of 100% of the total bid is submitted with the bid, no additional performance and labor and material bond will be required. All provisions of the Kentucky Revised Code as it relates to bid guaranty's conditions, liabilities, and withdrawal of a bid are applicable to this contract. The owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to accept any bid which is deemed most favorable. The owner also reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The Work consists of the following: 1 All work is to be performed according to state and local codes. All contractors are to be licensed in accordance with state requirements. 2 Maintenance of Temporary Erosion Controls, 3 Electrical Demolition 4 Cast-in-Place Concrete 5 Concrete Unit Masonry 6 Carpentry 7 Insulation, 8 Glazing 9 Gypsum Board, 10 Painting, 11 Signage, 12 Playground Equipment, 13 Electrical - The electrical system for this project will include incoming utility infrastructure, 120/208-volt power distribution for normal power, battery power for backup, all power connections to equipment and general use devices. Complete interior and exterior lighting and controls to comply with current ASHRAE energy codes shall be provided. Systems shall include data communications within the building and Wi-Fi in the campground. All systems shall be provided complete and operational to include infrastructure, equipment, wiring, devices, programming, etc. and be ready for use, 14 Plumbing - The plumbing scope consists of new domestic water and sanitary sewer systems. The domestic hot water system will include three (3) instantaneous gasfired water heaters. The systems are designed to meet the 2017 Kentucky Plumbing Code, 15 Mechanical - The HVAC system for this project will include an energy recovery unit to provide the building with heating, cooling, and ventilation. The energy recovery unit will have a gas furnace section for heating and a coil section connected to an outdoor condensing unit for cooling. Outside air will be ducted to the ERU through an intake louver on the building exterior. Exhaust air will be ducted to an exterior exhaust louver. This system is designed for compliance with ASHRAE 90.1-2010, 2015 International Mechanical Code, and all other applicable codes and guidelines, 16 Earthwork, 17 Storm Drainage, 18 Seeding 19 Site Concrete 20 Asphalt Pavement


Arenas / Stadiums


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200 Minton Hickory Farm Road, Barbourville, KY

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