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Published October 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Deerfield, New Hampshire. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of October 18, 2024, bids came in much higher than the Town can afford so be recommends that they reject both proposals. 3-Bay Spreader Hanger Construction. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK The project shall consist of construction of a three-by spreader hanger facility at 10 Church Street. The facility shall consist of three (3) bays to accommodate six wheel dump trucks. The plans for the facility show eight bays, however, this project as stated before shall be for three bays only. The contractor in referring to the plans shall use that section of the plans with support sections 6, 7, 8, and 9. It shall include the stairway adjacent to section 9. For this project, the presumptive load bearing values shall be soil class 4, i.e. vertical foundation pressure of 2,000 psi and lateral bearing pressure of 150 psi/ft. All of the structural materials lumber, connectors (bolts and nails) and metal plates; posts; roofing and siding have been pre-purchased by the Town and are available on site. Materials required to be provided by this contractor shall be concrete, reinforcing steel, electrical conduit, electrical outlets, lighting panel, lighting fixtures and wood staining. Technical questions must be forwarded in writing to the Town Administrator, bos@townofdeerfieldnh.com, telephone number 603-463-8811. Each General Bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of 5% of the Total Bid Price. The successful Bidder must furnish 100% Performance and Payment Bonds, and will be required to execute the Contract Agreement within 10 days following notification of the acceptance of his/her Bid. No Bidder may withdraw a Bid within 60 days after the actual date of opening thereof. The party to whom the contract is awarded will be required to execute the AGREEMENT within ten (10) calendar days from the date when NOTICE OF AWARD is delivered to the BIDDER. The NOTICE OF AWARD shall be accompanied by the necessary AGREEMENT. In case of failure of the BIDDER to execute the AGREEMENT, the OWNER may at his option consider the BIDDER in default. The OWNER within ten (10) days of receipt of acceptable AGREEMENT signed by the party to whom the AGREEMENT was awarded shall sign the AGREEMENT and return to such party an executed duplicate of the AGREEMENT. Should the OWNER not execute the AGREEMENT within such period, the BIDDER may by WRITTEN NOTICE withdraw his signed AGREEMENT. Such notice of withdrawal shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by the OWNER. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Prior to Bid Opening, bids may be withdrawn upon written or telegraphic request of the Bidder provided confirmation of any telegraphic withdrawal over the signature of the Bidder is placed in the mail and postmarked prior to the time set for Bid Opening. Bid documents and security of any Bidder withdrawing his bid in accordance with the foregoing conditions will be returned.

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10 Church St, Deerfield, NH

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