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Saving Project...

Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Bangor, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

The City of Bangor (City) invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposers to install approximately one thousand and thirty-six (1,236) total ft. of eight (8)-inch Ductile Iron Force Main (approximately six hundred (600) ft. each laid parallel to each other two (2) ft. on center) to replace an aging eight (8)-inch pipe force main. A tabulation of all received proposals will be posted on the City's website by 4:30 P.M. on the opening date This work will also include the installation of approximately ten (10) linear feet of eight (8)" PVC sewer, approximately ten (10) linear feet of twelve (12)" PVC sewer, two (2) new sewer manholes, one (1) new flow meter pit, two (2) gate valves, abandonment of one (1) existing manhole structure on the existing force main, miscellaneous conduit installation at the existing pump station, grade and paving work around the existing pump station building, five (5) test pits, maintaining sewer flows, erosion control, traffic control, and roadway restoration. For consideration, submit the proposal Bid Form and Proposer Information Form in an envelope marked "Proposal No. P25-03: Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement " All submissions should reference "Proposal No. P25-03: Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement". Proposals will be publicly opened at the time stated above in the temporary Council Chambers, 262 Harlow Street, Bangor, Maine (see Appendix A - Meeting Location Map). A tabulation of all received proposals will be posted electronically by 4:30 P.M. on the opening date. Question Deadline 08/23/2024 at 4:30 PM ET Any questions must be directed in writing to bids@bangormaine.gov. The City will provide a response by 4:30 P.M. on Friday, August 30, 2024. This response will be in the form of an addendum, accessible electronically. Notifications will be sent to the Registered Vendor List when new addenda are released. It is the responsibility of the Proposer(s) to see that their proposals have sufficient time to be received by the Purchasing Department before the submittal deadline. Any proposal, portion of a proposal, or requested proposal revision received at the City Purchasing Department after the time and date specified, will be returned to the Proposer unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any proposals, waive any informalities or defects in proposals, or accept a higher cost proposal if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City also reserves the right to request clarification, of any details, from the successful Proposer. All work, as shown on the plans, shall be completed by June 30, 2025. Award and Selection Criteria The City will select the proposal deemed most advantageous, appropriate, and beneficial to the City. The contract will be awarded to the Proposer best able to provide the services required. The evaluation of proposals and determination of the award will be at the discretion of the City and its judgment shall be final and without right of recourse by any Proposer. Each proposal will be evaluated according to the following criteria: A. The qualifications and experience of the individual(s) who will perform the work. B. The availability and capacity of the Proposer to perform the services required. C. The cost of the services offered. D. The ability to meet the schedule.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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