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Published November 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Design plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of November 21, 2024, per owner, a design team has been identified. The City of Minneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the City) makes this Request for Proposals (hereinafter referred to as the RFP) in order to select a qualified Architectural & Engineering consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as the A/E) for providing Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Administration services for the proposed South Minneapolis Community Safety Center (hereinafter called the Project). The South Minneapolis Community Safety Center is a new concept for the City of Minneapolis. It will be a building that is welcoming and accessible to all people who live, work, or visit Minneapolis. Safety services related to prevention, response, and restoration will be co-located in one place. The Project envisions a renovation/re-purposing of the existing building to include the Offices of Community Safety, a Minneapolis 311 Service Center, and the Minneapolis Police Department to collectively serve and support the surrounding neighborhoods and community. The proposed multi-purpose building will be utilized as a multifunctional work environment and include flexible space for community services, uses and functions. The various services may be provided either by City staff or community agencies. Minneapolis Police Department (formerly the 3rd Precinct) will be a responsive service located in the Community Safety Center. The MPD functions will be separate from the rest of the services in the Center, although it is expected that there will be opportunities for collaboration. The City has committed capital funding for the initial planning work. Additional funding has been requested and planned for 2025. The total project budget is between $10 and $15 million. The goal of the project is to provide the City with the highest value for its available budget. Progressive Cost Estimating and Scope Management will be utilized and "Add and/or Deduct" Alternatives will be identified to assist in achieving this goal. The contracting parties will be the City of Minneapolis and the A/E selected to provide the services as described herein. The selected proposal, along with the RFP and any counter proposal will be incorporated into a formal agreement after negotiations. It is the intent of the City to award a single contract for the duration of the design, construction, and close-out of the project. Question Deadline 08/19/2024. Prospective responders shall direct inquiries/questions in writing only to the A/E's primary interface with the City during the RFP: Kyle Erickson Department of Finance & Property Services 505 Fourth Ave S., Rm 310 Minneapolis, MN 55415 kyle.erickson@minneapolismn.gov. Responses to Questions posted by August 21, 2024 The Contract Manager is the only individual who can be contacted regarding the Project before proposals are submitted. The Contract Manager cannot vary the terms of the RFP. A/E's are prohibited from interviewing City staff or other visitors in any effort to obtain information relating to this RFP. All requests for clarification should be submitted in writing as outlined in this RFP. Failure to follow this prohibition could result in the rejection of the proposal. The City does not promise to accept the lowest cost proposal and specifically reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any formal proposal requirements, to investigate the qualifications and experience of any A/E, to reject any provisions in any proposal, to obtain new proposals, to negotiate the requested services and contract terms with any A/E, or to proceed to do the work otherwise. Incomplete proposals and proposals not sufficiently detailed or not in acceptable form may be returned for completion or may be rejected by the City. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Anticipated Award Date: September 13, 2024




Public - City


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December 16, 2024


2633 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN

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