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Published August 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mora, New Mexico. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Hermit Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Damage Underground Rebuild Work Multiple Contracts Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. with headquarters in Mora, New Mexico will be accepting bids for several RUS 790 Non-Specific Electric System Construction Site Contracts. These will be open contracts with a $1 million dollar cap, under which projects of various sizes may be assigned to a contractor holding one of these contracts. The construction will consist of replacement of 14.4kV single phase underground distribution lines. Bids shall consist of construction unit pricing for the supply of necessary labor, and equipment for these electrical projects, located at various locations within the M-SMEC service territory where damage from the Hermit's Peak and Calf Canyon fires has occurred. Initial contracts will have a term of one year. Due to the large amount of rebuild needed, the goal is to award contracts to several different contractors, and as sections of line work are ready to be released, assign them to whichever contractor has capacity and capability of doing the work. This will be on an as needed basis, and will be discussed with contractors to determine who is best suited to take on the work. Contractors will not be expected to be on stand-by to deploy at a moment's notice, but will be asked if they have crews available to take on work needed in a reasonable time frame. It is hoped that with several contractors available, the work can be disbursed to whoever has availability at the time. Execution of a contract does not guarantee that work will be provided to any particular contractor, but every effort will be made to distribute work fairly, depending on contractor availability on a case-by-case basis. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Upon award (if made) a bound hardcopy of the Construction Contract and Specifications book will be provided to the successful bidder. All bids will be on a unit price basis. All bidders must have a Bidders Qualification Form filed with the Engineer, without exception. The form, available from T&D, must be submitted to T&D's office by (date to be determined). Bids will not be considered unless the Bidder's Qualification form is on file, as provided herein. The Project's construction commencement date shall be based on Material arrival with a goal of 30 days after approval of the contract. Construction shall be completed within 12 months after the commencement date. Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. reserves the right to waive any informality, or reject any and all bids Any questions concerning the project should be addressed to Adam Roybal, at the office of the Engineer (505) 344-4234, aroybal@t-d-services.com. Contacts for the project are: Engineer Transmission & Distribution Services, LLC Adam Roybal, P.E. (505) 344-4234 aroybal@t-d-services.com 9550 San Mateo Blvd, NE Suite G Albuquerque, NM 87113 Cooperative Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. Larry Barela, Systems Operations Manager 575-383-4270 lbarela@morasanmiguel.coop 501 State Highway 518 P.O. Box 240 Mora, NM 87732 Transmission & Distribution Services, LLC Garrett Chavez 915-478-7974 (mobile) gchavez@t-d-services.com 9550 San Mateo Blvd., NE Suite G Albuquerque, NM 87113


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