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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Woodstock, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Potential Bidders are required to submit all questions in writing (email, fax, USPS, or delivery service) directly to the listed point of contact no later than August 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM. Written responses, including the questions, will be provided to all Bidders via an official Addendum and posted on the Town's website. This Invitation to Bid (ITB) plus the resulting contracts shall be consistent with and governed by the Town's procurement policy and has been prepared in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The Town's Point of Contact for this project is: Daniel Bailey Town of Woodstock 135 N. Main St. Woodstock, VA 22664 Ph: (540) 459-5513 Email: Project Background The Town of Woodstock ('Town') is soliciting bids from qualified bidders for the replacement of finished and raw water pumps at the Water Treatment Plant. Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, transportation, and incidentals necessary for the removal of existing finished and raw water pumps and motors and furnishing complete new pumps. Pumps should be the same horsepower and hydraulic design points as the existing. Existing pumps are manufactured by SimFlo. Project scope and requirements The contractor shall schedule and plan the project with the designated Town representative. All applicable safety construction standards must be followed. All products used during this process must be used and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and must be approved by the Town of Woodstock Public Works Department. Remove existing pumps and furnish with complete new pumps o One (1) large water pump designed for 1400 GPM at 225 feet complete with 125 HP VHS Premium efficiency motor o Two (2) small raw water pumps designed for 700 GPM at 230 feet complete with 60 HP VHS Premium efficiency motor o One (1) large finished water pump designed for 1400 GPM at 251 feet complete with 125 HP Premium efficiency motor o Two (2) small finished water pumps designed for 700 GPM at 240 feet complete with 60 HP Premium efficiency motor o One (1) backwash pump designed for 5120 GPM at 50 feet complete with 100 HP Premium efficiency motor o Pumps will be the same horsepower and hydraulic design points as the existing o Existing motors may be reused, if feasible o Conduct field performance testing o Reuse existing concrete support pads o Reuse all discharge piping and valves o Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, transportation, and incidentals necessary Upon completion, the Contractor shall remove all debris, trash, related waste, surplus materials, tools and equipment, etc. to provide a clean site. Minimum Qualifications Bidders must demonstrate that they have the resources and capability to provide the materials and services as described herein. All bidders must submit the documentation indicated below with their bid. Failure to provide any of the required documentation may be cause for bid to be deemed nonresponsive and/or non-responsible and rejected. The following criteria shall be met to be eligible for this contract: 1. Provide evidence of a contractor's certificate of registration, whether resident or nonresident of Commonwealth of Virginia, as required by the following: a. Registered Commonwealth of Virginia Contractor: Minimum of a Class B. Include a copy of the Contractors License in your bid. 2. A Certificate of Insurance will be required from the selected vendor; please refer to General Terms and Conditions for complete instructions. Please include a sample of your Certificate of Insurance with your bid. Bid Submission Requirements The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the ITB title, "ITB - Water Treatment Plant Replacement of Finished and Raw Water Pumps and Motors" to the project point of contact by the listed bids due date. Bids received after the date and time specified in this ITB will not be considered. Prior to submitting a bid, it is the Bidders responsibility to check the Town's website or eVA for any addenda associated with this ITB. Any costs or expenses of any kind incurred by an offeror in preparing or submitting bids are the Bidders sole responsibility. The Town of Woodstock will not reimburse any offeror for any costs or expenses incurred because of the preparation of this ITB. All bids should include the following: A. Project Approach: Provide a comprehensive description of methods and plans for carrying out the Scope of Work detailed in the ITB. B. Project Manager: Provide contact information for the identified Project Manager, including name, company mailing address, email address, office phone number and if available, mobile phone number. C. References: A minimum of three (3) references for recent similar projects, including the date of services performed and contact information for an owner's representative having knowledge of the vendor's work. D. Materials: Identify equipment chosen with the manufacturer's product data. E. Anticipated Schedule: Detail any lead time for equipment, estimated work hours to complete the project scope, and estimated completion time. F. Attachment A: Bid Form: Completed bid form must be signed by authorized representative. G. Proof of Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance will be required from the selected vendor. Please include a sample of your Certificate of Insurance with your bid. H. Virginia Contractors License: Copy of valid Virginia contractor license. I. Attachment B: Proof of Authority to Transaction Business in Virginia: Pursuant to Virginia Code 2.2-4311.2, a bidder/offeror organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia shall include in its bid/ proposal the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission ("SCC").

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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145 Broadview Ln, Woodstock, VA

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