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Published February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for the demolition of a educational facility; for the construction of a 71,445-square-foot, two-story above grade educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; and for paving for a educational facility.

As of February 10, 2025, all sub-bids have been received and awarded. Project no. 23 0588 01 Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned, and Small Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond to this solicitation. A. The purpose of this Section is to describe the Work required by the Trade Contractor and provide information regarding the duties, responsibilities, and cooperation required by the Trade Contractor and its subcontractors and suppliers. B. The Project is defined to include the Bid Categories described in Section 00 21 00 - Instructions to Bidders and Section 00 24 13 - Scopes of Bids; and each is recognized to be a major part of the project, with Work to be performed concurrently and in close coordination with Work of other Bid Categories. C. The "Contract Documents", as defined in the General Conditions, include the "Drawings". Although Drawings are grouped and identified by classification of the Work, Trade Contractors shall be responsible for their work as specified herein and as indicated on the Drawings. Although the majority of the Drawings are "to scale", all Trade Contractors are directed to use indicated dimensions for determining material quantities and for other reasons. No additional payment will be allowed due to Trade Contractors using "scaling instruments" to determine material quantities or for other reasons. D. Imperative language: 1) The Project Manual is written in the imperative and abbreviated form. This imperative language is directed at Trade Contractor, unless specifically noted otherwise. Incomplete sentences shall be completed by inserting "shall", "shall be" and similar mandatory phrases by inference in the same manner as they are applied to notes on drawings. Trade Contractors must perform all indicated requirements whether stated in the imperative or otherwise, unless explicitly directed to the contrary. E. Related sections: 1) Some sections of the technical specifications (Divisions 1 through 48) may include a paragraph titled "Related Sections". This paragraph is an aid to the Project Manual and is not intended to include all sections that may be related. It is the Trade Contractor's obligation to coordinate all sections whether indicated under "Related Sections" or not, as noted below. F. The contract will be awarded per the "Bid Category Scope of Work Descriptions" found in Section 00 21 00: Instructions to Bidders and Section 00 24 13 Scopes of Bids. Include Work required by the Specifications and Drawings for any given contract area (Bid Category) defined. G. Work for the entire Project will be completed under multiple contracts awarded by Rockford Construction. Rockford Construction will manage the construction of the Project. H. Trade Contractors are responsible for all work shown in any of the documents and must execute the work of their trade on all drawings, not just trade specific drawings. Therefore, all architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, controls electrical or security electronics work is not necessarily shown on the drawings that depict a specialty or particular area of work (i.e., plumbing may be on architectural drawings, etc.). This means that all Trade Contractors or their subcontractors of any tier are responsible for all work specified or shown anywhere in the drawings. No additional payment will be allowed if the Trade Contractor's work is shown anywhere within the contract documents. Further, Trade Contractors must provide complete and functional systems wherever they are reasonably inferable from the drawing or specification. Example: A lavatory in a bathroom which is shown on architectural drawings shall be plumbed for hot and cold domestic water and drain waste even if not shown on plumbing drawings. A similar standard shall apply to all trades. Trade Contractors are directed to use indicated dimensions for determining material quantities and for other reasons. Question Deadline 08/12/2024 at 3:00 PM ET All questions must be provided in writing. The owner, architect or Rockford will not provide any oral explanation or interpretation of the contract documents.




Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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2585 Grove St, Detroit, MI

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