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Published August 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Hampden Township, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a 27,408-square-foot military facility.

This project is a Design-Bid-Build contract for the construction to Provide design and engineering services for minor renovations for approximately 27,408 sf administrative area at the north bay of building 312. Provide cost estimate to renovate the break room in this area as an option. A FF&E package will be required and will be supported by interior design in Norfolk. Project scope does not require any structural or mechanical work. Existing fire alarm and sprinkler system are to remain in its original location and not be altered in any way. The project also includes the following: a. Provide engineering design and construction documents. b. Perform full demolition of existing flooring, cove base, ceiling tiles, modular office furniture, electrical devices, cables, light fixtures and emergency lights. c. Remove existing legacy cat3 and fiber optic cables to its source. d. Disconnect existing power, phone, NMCI cables from existing workstations and offices. Wiring to be reused. e. Patch and repaint walls and enclosed columns. f. Provide new carpet tile flooring and cove base. g. Provide new ceiling tiles. h. Install new workstation furniture and modular office furniture as part of FF&E package. i. Provide new electrical circuits and cables for additional furniture and new layout. j. Provide new electrical devices and cover plates. k. Provide new LED light fixtures to replace existing on a 1 for 1 basis. l. Provide new emergency lighting built into new ceiling fixtures. m. Provide all NFPA required devices at each unit connected to the existing fire alarm system. n. Provide new Cat6 cable and two NMCI drops to each workstation seat. o. NMCI Cabinet and Lectriever are to remain in place and be protected during construction. p. Install full height temporary stud barrier wall to allow access to Offices #1, 2, 3 and Rickover Room that will be occupied during construction. In addition, install dust barrier wall to allow access to Strong Room as shown on the drawings. In addition, Customer wants to include Breakroom as an option to the base project. Project Scope for Break Room as an option includes following: q. Remove existing cabinets and counter, sink, flooring, cove base and ceiling tiles. Existing ceiling grid to remain. r. Remove existing furniture and appliances (tables, chairs, refrigerators and microwaves. s. Remove existing entry door. t. Remove existing light fixtures and electrical devices. u. Install new cabinets (upper and lower), sink, flooring, cove base and ceiling with finishes to match those in the break room in SC bay of building 312. v. Install new entry door. w. Provide new LED light fixtures and electrical devices (switches, receptacles and cover plates. x. Provide new furniture and appliances as part of FF&E package. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.




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August 15, 2025


5450 Carlisle Pike, Hampden Township, PA

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