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Site work for a water / sewer project in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Reference Number 0000359518 The goal of this project is to remove Peninsular Paper Dam (Pen Dam) and restore the affected stretch of the Huron River in Ypsilanti. Pen Dam is located on the Huron River in Ypsilanti (42.256126, - 83.624146) within Washtenaw County. The nearest address is 1249 Leforge Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198. The original structure was completed in 1867 to provide power for paper manufacturing. The dam failed in 1918 and was rebuilt two years later. The powerhouse is a prominent feature in the area topped by its iconic, free-standing letters spelling "PENINSULAR PAPER CO. SINCE 1867 YPSILANTI." The dam is classified as a concrete gravity dam that measures 16 feet high with crest length of 290 feet; of which 250 feet is the concrete spillway. The spillway sill extends approximately 25 feet downstream of the crest. The impoundment area extends 6,575 feet (1.25 miles) upstream of the dam and occupies area within Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township, and Superior Township. Peninsular Park (Pen Park), owned by the City of Ypsilanti, occupies the parcel adjacent to the north end of the dam. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) previously evaluated which impoundment areas along the Huron River would most benefit from dam removal. MDNR specifically identified the removal of Pen Dam as a top restoration priority due to the potential improvement to fish passage and aquatic habitat connectivity. Following a completed dam removal feasibility study in 2018, the Ypsilanti City Council voted to remove Pen Dam and committed $500,000 for removal activities. In the previous project phases, LimnoTech, AECOM, and subcontractors completed: initial sediment analysis and characterization, bathymetry, initial investigations into impoundment infrastructure with hydraulic and hydrologic analysis and geotechnical analysis. A restoration alternatives analysis was provided, and the project team selected a target restoration scenario from the range of scenarios provided. An initial design was developed, and a Basis for Design Document was completed with supporting design drawings. No permitting activities related to design or construction work has occurred. The project team has been working with USFWS and subject matter experts to survey the relevant area for threatened and endangered mussel species. No other formal endangered species surveys have been completed. All data, findings, and conclusions from the previous phases of analysis will be made available upon request to applicants and to the selected applicant team to complete this phase. The selected applicant team will report to a Steering Committee led by the City of Ypsilanti with representation from the Huron River Watershed Council, the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commission, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and other subject matter experts as appropriate. The selected applicant team will complete the final design for the removal of Pen Dam and necessary, related engineering and permitting tasks to facilitate construction efforts. The selected applicant team will provide bidding and construction administration assistance, with direction from the Steering Committee. The selected applicant team will develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) for construction services and coordinate the review of bids received. The selected applicant team will serve as a technical advisor to the City of Ypsilanti and the Steering Committee for the remainder of the project through removal of the dam and completed critical restoration of the impoundment. The selected applicant's team is referred to below as the Team. The Steering Committee and other relevant partner entities are referred to below as the Project Partners. Scope of Services The scope of services shall include, but may not be limited to, the following project elements: Project administration Facilitate Project Partner update meetings as often as weekly. Support for grant applications Meet deadlines that support public communication efforts as directed by the City of Ypsilanti. The Team will present findings at public meetings to municipal administrators, and elected officials, as needed. Planning, Design and Permitting The identification of permits, agreements, and necessary agency consultation Permitting and easement support is an initial priority. The Team will apply for relevant permits as soon as is feasible. Historic preservation and archaeological assessment Spoils management Hazardous, toxic and radioactive waste assessment Property boundary assessments and agreements. The Team will support this effort to the best of their ability and guide local officials through any steps required. Wetland delineation, including assessment of wetlands that will transition to upland, remain as wetland, or reform from bottomlands Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species clearance Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner & EGLE Floodplain Permit Additional geotechnical investigation of dam and bridge fortifications, as needed Structural analysis for building, as needed Hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport modeling to support final design Final removal and river restoration design Bidding and construction administration assistance, including the development of a Request for Proposals for construction services Technical Assistance Following Design Phase In collaboration with the Steering Committee, develop a post-construction and restoration monitoring and maintenance plan Technical assistance and independent oversight of contracted construction efforts Administration and observation of construction work following construction award The scope of services may change with unforeseen circumstances or new information, but significant changes will be subject to the approval of the Steering Committee and grant administration officials. Project Timetable The Team should complete the proposed scope of work through the development of an RFP for construction services within one year of contract activation. This project is sensitive to seasonal timing. The compilation of any outstanding relevant information related to mussel relocation efforts should be prioritized, targeting completion by April 2025. Delays in mussel survey and relocation efforts could delay other activities. Proposals that target completion of all tasks through the development of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for construction services by August 2025 are strongly encouraged. Technical assistance following the design phase should assume a project timeline of no more than three years from contract awarded. Safety should be prioritized in all considerations for the timing of various activities. Given the complexity of this project and the need for additional fundraising, regulatory delays and extensions to the project period are likely but should not be assumed. Please direct questions and correspondence regarding this RFP to: Katie Jones City of Ypsilanti City Hall 1 South Huron Street Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: 734-483-1100 Question Deadline 08/27/2024 at 1:00 PM ET The City of Ypsilanti and the Huron River Watershed Council will facilitate a selection committee that will include City of Ypsilanti Staff, City of Ypsilanti council members, HRWC staff, and additional advisors. The selection committee reserves the right to conduct face-to-face interviews with any, all, or none of the responding applicants. In the event the selection committee deems interviews necessary to select the best Team, the selection committee will establish a meeting at a mutually acceptable time. Interviews may be conducted by videoconference or telephone. The selection committee will meet key members of the Team's proposed project team. The City of Ypsilanti reserves the option to extend the deadline for the submission of proposals or to invite applicants based on their reputations with dam removal projects. If necessary, the City of Ypsilanti also reserves the option to decline all applications, if none of the available proposals are deemed satisfactory. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


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September 16, 2025


1249 Leforge Rd, Ypsilanti, MI

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