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Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Canton, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and water / sewer project.

The Project generally consists of the following major items: 1. Cleaning and painting for specific areas of the lift station building. 2. Replacement of building roof shingles. 3. Replacement of building roof decking, soffits, and facia boards as required. 4. Installation of a new entrance door and frame. 5. Installation of new glass block windows. 6. Demolition of existing handrails. 7. Installation of new handrails and wet well access hatch. 8. Demolition of existing chain link fence. 9. Installation of new chain link fence and gates. The time allowed for Substantial Completion is 90 calendar days, and the time allowed for final completion and readiness for final payment is 120 calendar days from the date of commencement. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties approved by the OWNER for faithful acceptance of the contract, payable to, in favor of, and for the protection of the OWNER in an amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total amount payable by the terms of the contract or, in lieu thereof, a certified check, cashier's check, or cash in equal amount. The successful bidder will be required to furnish the necessary additional Bond(s) as described in the Bidding Documents. All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for 60 days after the day of the Bid opening, but OWNER may, in its sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid security prior to that date. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive informalities and re-advertise. Question Deadline 09/03/2024 All questions concerning the project shall be addressed in writing by email to Mr. William Xu, with AtkinsRealis, at Questions received after that date may not be addressed. Answers to questions in writing will be provided in an Addendum and posted on the City's website. Doc Notes: If the documents are downloaded from the City's website, it is the responsibility of the individual or company that downloads the documents to continue to check the City's website for any addenda that may be issued. The City of Canton is not responsible for any information that any individual or company fails to get in an addendum that is posted on the website but is not downloaded.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work



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