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Published December 2, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Augusta, Maine. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a 42,518-square-foot medical facility.

This Modification to Previous Notice addresses the Architect-Engineer (A-E) requirement titled Togus AE Renovations at the Togus, Maine, Veterans Affairs Regional Office (VARO). The at-issue Special Notice for Qualifications, identified as Notice Number 36C10D24R0011, posted to Contract Opportunities through the System for Award Management (SAM) on November 12th, 2024, is hereby modified as follows: (1) No questions pertaining to the Special Notice for Qualifications were received on or before the submission date of Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 by 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). No questions in connection with the Special Notice for Qualifications will now be accepted upon the issuance of this Modification to Previous Notice on Friday, November 29th, 2024. (2) The Standard Form (SF) 330 submissions remain due on or before Thursday, December 12th, 2024 by 4:00 pm EST. In accordance with the Special Notice for Qualifications, all SF 330 submissions must be submitted by e-mail to Scott.Cole3@va.gov. Sources Sought Notice Sources Sought Notice Page 4 of 4 Sources Sought Notice *= Required Field Sources Sought Notice Page 1 of 4 The VA Togus, Maine, VARO located in Augusta, Maine, in accordance with the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) has a requirement for a Firm-Fixed-Price Contract, which will provide professional Architect-Engineer (A-E) Services to develop and complete a preliminary schematic concept, design development, construction documents (drawings, specifications, and cost estimates), construction period administration services, and resultant site visits associated with the following project objectives: Design a complete renovation of the Togus, Maine, VARO existing building currently on the grounds of the Togus VA Medical Center Campus. Redesign of existing building (2 stories and a basement) of approximately 42,518 gross square feet (GSF) First, Second and Basement to house approximately 352 RO staff and 19 Veterans Service Organization (VSO) staff. Design and investigate initially the air handling unit systems, mechanical piping, ductwork, and terminal units serving the Togus, Maine, VARO Building 248. Analyze Structure of the Togus, Maine, VARO, Building 248, to determine if the A-E recommended replacement HVAC equipment could be supported in a rooftop Penthouse or the A-E shall determine a suitable location for placement of ground level pad-mounted HVAC unit(s). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 541310 and the small business standard is $12.5 million. Any interested Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), or Small Business (SB) must indicate interest for this project, in writing, to the Contracting Officer no later than August 19th, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST via email to scott.cole3@va.gov. To qualify as interested in this project, information pertaining to the following seven (7) components must be submitted in response to this Sources Sought Notice on or before August 19th, 2024 at 4:00 pm EST: (1) Statement of Intent that A-E Qualifications will be submitted to the future Special Notice for a Standard Form (SF) 330 regarding this project, which said Statement of Intent shall include the company s System for Award Management Unique Entity Identifier (SAM UEI) Number; (2) Verification through the Small Business Administration (SBA) Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) as a SDVOSB or VOSB under the NAICS Code of 541310, if applicable; (3) Verification through VETS-4212 for SDVOSBs or VOSBs that the current reporting requirements and confirmation of filing has been satisfied, if applicable; (4) Evidence of A-E experience with design solutions for renovating and modernizing office space consisting of interview rooms, training rooms, multi-purpose rooms, work areas, waiting room, and reception area with a construction magnitude between $10,000,000 and $15,000,000; (5) Evidence of A-E experience in adding and/or modifying HVAC, electrical, life/safety, signage, wall systems, ceiling systems, and flooring to meet code compliance; (6) Evidence of the company s ability to perform at least fifty percent (50%) of this requirement in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.219-14: Limitations on Subcontracting; and (7) Proof of professional liability insurance required to cover the monetary amount of this project. All seven (7) components must be submitted, in sufficient detail, prior to the designated deadline for a determination on available and interested SDVOSBs, VOSBs, or SBs. Failure to submit each of the seven (7) components, as identified above, will result in a Contractor not being considered as an interested SDVOSB, VOSB, or SB. The purpose of this Sources Sought Notice is to determine if set-aside procedures will be utilized. As indicated above, interested businesses may reply to this Sources Sought Notice via e-mail to scott.cole3@va.gov. Businesses must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). To register in the SAM database, visit www.sam.gov. SDVOSBs or VOSBs must also be verified in the VetCert database administered by SBA via https://veterans.certify.sba.gov/ and/or SBA DSBS via https://dsbs.sba.gov/search/dsp_dsbs.cfm. Any interested SDVOSB or VOSB must represent the status as an SDVOSB or VOSB concern in SAM.gov and in SBA VetCert or SBA DSBS. This Sources Sought Notice was prepared and considered in accordance with FAR 5.203. FAR 5.204, and FAR 5.207. DISCLAIMER: This Source Sought Notice is issued solely for information and planning purposes only. This Sources Sought Notice does not constitute a Solicitation (Request for Quotation, Request for Proposal, or Invitation for Bid). All information received in response to this Sources Sought Notice is marked as proprietary and will be handled accordingly. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this Sources Sought Notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this Sources Sought Notice. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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