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Published August 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Salem, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Marion County Information Technology Department (County) is seeking to establish a contract with ConvergeOne, a reseller on the Promark Technology, Inc. | Advanced Technology Solutions Aggregator cooperative contract administered by NCPA, a wholly owned subsidiary of OMNIA Partners . The County is seeking to establish a contract for the Courthouse Camera Upgrade Project. Located in the heart of the Mid-Willamette Valley, Marion County has a population of 347,818, stretches from the Willamette River to the Cascade Mountains, and encompasses nearly 1,200 square miles. Marion County has 20 cities, including the Oregon's capital, Salem. The Marion County government organization is headed by an elected Board of Commissioners and has 15 departments, seven of which are headed by elected officials. The County Courthouse's existing surveillance system comprises Axis analog and IP cameras. Analog cameras are positioned across the campus for general coverage and are connected to a local NVR. IP cameras monitor the courtroom and entrance and are linked to a remote server through video management. The outdated analog and IP cameras (P3354) are end-of-support, while the current model is the M3058-PLVE. The analog NVR is also end-of-life. Additionally, the current panic buttons are damaged and ineffective. ConvergeOne proposes replacing all analog cameras with new Axis IP cameras, including the end-of-support IP cameras. Various technologies are suggested to optimize coverage, such as 360& cameras in the stairwell and dual sensor cameras. The existing NVR should be replaced with a Dell PowerVault storage array to meet camera requirements and offer enhanced storage and video access. Vendor will replace the panic buttons with Axis IP-based controllers and configure the VMS to integrate with the Owner's access control system. The control center will be upgraded with new monitors, arms for easy adjustment, and a VuWall Server Management Platform for signal conversion and control. The Vendor will Provide labor and materials to complete the following tasks: o Install and configure one (1) rackmount servers to host the Axis VMS software. o Demo and remove existing system where applicable. o Install and configure various cameras in strategic locations (~200 count). o Install all cabling for cameras and NVR + Storage system equipment. o Install and configure NVR System and provide Maintenance, Monitoring, and Support. o Install and configure monitors and monitoring equipment in existing Control Room and Back-Up Control Room (VuWall). o Provide End-User Training for the new system. o Create all design drawings and schematics. o Provide Project Management Services as the Project Management Team of Record. The proposed products and services are estimated to be less than: $700,000.00. Questions Due Date8/8/2024 3:00:00 PM




Public - County


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