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Published September 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Greenville, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The City of Greenville will receive sealed bids to crackseal and sealcoat the parking lot at the Transit Bus Garage at 215 E Fairplains. An additive alternate will be considered for a 95 square yard parking lot expansion if it is deemed cost effective for the City. Refer to map(s) for square footage estimates. The transit bus garage is located at 215 E Fairplains Greenville, MI 48838. This work will include the cleaning of existing surfaces; sealing cracks, patching joints; sealcoating the entire 12,500 square feet of the finished surface, and repainting of lines. It may be advantageous to the City to add a 10-foot x 85-foot expansion along the south side of the existing parking area, this would be considered an additive alternate that could be included with the contract if the City believes it to be cost-effective. That work will include: preparing and paving a 95 square yard parking lot addition that includes topsoil removal and excavation to 9 inches below the south edge of the existing parking lot (soils can be removed to the fenced yard to the south); installing a 6-inch aggregate base course with compacted 22A aggregate material; surfacing with 3 inches of HMA installed in two 1-1/2 inch lifts (approximately 16 tons); backfilling and leveling with topsoil and seeding the disturbed area. If the alternate additive is approved, the parking expansion shall be done a minimum of two weeks before sealcoating and shall be included with the sealcoat area. The Advertisement and Instructions for Bidders have been posted in the following locations: Greenville City Hall, 411 S Lafayette, Greenville, MI 48838, online. Principal Contact The principal contact with the City of Greenville will be: Seth Buschle Transit Manager 215 E. Fairplains Greenville, MI 48838 (616)754-9331 (616)754-6320 (fax) sbuschle@greenvillemi.org Bid Information Any changes and/or addenda to this RFP will be posted electronically. Any and all questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to the principal contact. All questions from BIDDERS, regarding any part of the Plans or Project Manual, shall be directed in writing to: Seth Buschle, Transit Manager City of Greenville 215 E Fairplains Street Greenville, MI 48838 or by email at: sbuschle@greenvillemi.org The above contact will provide written answers to questions through addenda and/ or posted electronically. They will also be sent directly to those BIDDERS who have made their intention to bid known by email notification to the above contact, by the BIDDER. The CITY OF GREENVILLE reserves the right to accept to reject any or all BIDS for sound, documentable business reasons. The competency and responsibility of BIDDERS will be considered in awarding CONTRACTS. The CITY OF GREENVILLE does not oblige itself to accept the lowest or any other bid. The CITY OF GREENVILLE reserves the right to waive any informality or minor defects in any or all bids. The CITY OF GREENVILLE reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities of BID ITEMS without additional compensation. No BIDDER may withdraw a BID within 90 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the CONTRACT cannot be awarded within the specified period; the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the CITY OF GREENVILLE and the BIDDER. The work can proceed following receipt of the Notice to Proceed when the weather is consistently dry and temperatures are sufficient as specified. It is anticipated that this work should be completed by November 1st, 2024 unless extended by mutual agreement.

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Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 10, 2024

October 10, 2024


215 E Fairplains St, Greenville, MI

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