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Published September 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in New Milford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Town of New Milford Purchasing Authority is soliciting competitive bids from qualified firms to supply all labor, material, taxes, insurance and permits required to perform roofing and carpentry services at 8 Wicker Lane. The Purchasing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Scope of Work for Roofing GENERAL 1. Work in this section shall be governed by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, equipment and services necessary, to perform and complete the work specified herein and or as required by job conditions. 2. The Contractor shall maintain the buildings in a weather tight condition throughout the course of construction. Intent The intention of this section of the specification includes but not limited to the following: 1. Remove and dispose of all roofing materials from the house.Install 1/2" high density insulation board and EPDM roofing with all related materials including but not limited to metal rake and drip edging, all purpose fastening bars, vents, plumbing boots, and flashings. Prepare Roof Deck 1. Remove and dispose of all existing layers of roll roofmg from roof. Remove all protruding nails and other fasteners. 2. Contractor shall inspect substrate and notify Owner and Project Manager of condition. Any substrate replacement will be addressed through a negotiated change order. Insulation Installation 1. Install 1 /2" thick insulation board over sheathing. Fasten insulation as per manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Insulation shall be cut tight to fit. No gap over 1/4" shall exist in the insulation. 3. Contractor shall provide photographic evidence of insulation installation. Scope of Work for Carpentry GENERAL Work in this section shall be governed by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall provide all material, labor, equipment, permits, taxes and fees necessary, as required to perform and complete the work specified herein and or as required by job conditions. INTENT The intent of the proposed work includes but not limited to the following: 1. Remove existing decking and stairs from front entry landing. 2. Install new decking, stairs, guardrails and handrail at front entry landing. 3. Provide pressure treated materials, as listed below for decking, stairs, guardrails and handrails. Front Entry Landing 1. Remove and dispose of decking, stairs and railings from front entry. 2. Inspect framing members and notify Owner and Project Manager of condition. Any framing replacement will be addressed through a negotiated change order.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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8 Wicker Ln, New Milford, CT

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8 Wicker Lane- Roofing and Carpentry Services

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