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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The work generally includes the re-construction of the Victoria Park Tennis Courts (4-8). Work is to include all labour, material, equipment, and incidentals including removals, select borrow, modified aggregate, asphalt, sub grade drainage, swale, lighting (including replacement of conductor if damaged during construction), concrete bases, chain link fence, reinstatement (including lighting) temporary works, locate and accommodate, environmental controls and work necessary to complete the described project. Any questions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, or uncertainties in the Contract Documents which may become apparent to Tenderers when tendering shall be advised by email to not less than three (3) working days before Tender closing. Each tender shall be accompanied by Tender Security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Total Amount Payable in evidence of the bona fide nature of the tender. This Tender Security shall be in favour of the Owner and shall be in the form of a Certified Cheque, irrevocable Letter of Credit or a Bid Bond which shall guarantee to the Owner that in the event of the successful Tenderer declining to enter into a formal agreement with the Owner as called for in the Contract Documents, or declining or neglecting to provide the Insurance or Contract Security required by the Contract Documents, then the Owner will be reimbursed the additional cost of accepting another tender or Tender Security amount, whichever is the lesser. Tender documents are available electronically at:


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work





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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 29, 2024

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23 Victoria Pk Driveway, Charlottetown, PE

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