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Published November 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

CITY OF SEATTLE Maple Wood Playfield and Public Restroom Renovations. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This Project is a Covered Project subject to the City of Seattle's Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) and Priority Hire SMC 20.37. With, the support of the mayor and. City Council, the City of Seattle administers programs that sup port racial and economic equity through contracting. Priority Hire is one of these programs. Priority Hire provides people living in eco nomically distressed communities, women, and people of color access to work on the city's construction projects. It gives contractors access to these skilled workers. This renovation project includes improvements to the athletic play fields, play area, and. improves accessible routes of travel to the restroom, field dugouts, play area, and parking lot in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The project details include new equipment for the play area; new drainage, irrigation, grass playing surface, and backstops for the play fields; ADA. access to parking, public restroom, and play area. This project also includes a complete renovation of the existing public restroom. Work includes but is not limited to the following: Temporary Erosion and. Sedimentation Control (TESC), Contaminated Soil Removal, Site Demolition, Shoring, Earthwork, Storm Drainage Utilities, Electrical & Lighting, Concrete and Asphalt Pavement, Play Equipment, Play Area Surfacing, Planting, Irrigation, Site Furnishings, Plumbing, Framing, Roofing. Add #1 Site Improvements South of Main Entry, Add#2 Embankment. Slide Alt#l PIP Surface in lieu of EWF Alt#2 CIP Concrete in lieu of Asphalt at Main Plaza A/E ESTIMATE: $ 5,692,000.00 Add#! $481,989.00 Add#2 $111,003.00 Ait# I $112,737.00 Alt#2 $44,564.00 INCLUSION PLAN AND DBE GOALS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PAID SICK AND SAFE TIME: Bidders must understand the requirements of SMC 14.16 and ECW 49.46 and demonstrate compliance prior to award. QUESTIONS: Deadline for Contractor questions regarding this Parks and Recreation project shall, be submitted by close of business to the Parks project manager via sai.fang@seattle. gov Question Submission Deadline : August 21, 2024, 5:00pm SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contract Work is summarized below. The summary descriptions may not include specific reference to all incidental work elements required to complete the Contract. Include all labor, Materials, equipment, and incidentals required for completion of the Work as shown on the Drawings and specified in the Project Manual. B. Installation and maintenance of temporary erosion and sedimentation controls. C. The following scope elements are part of the Base Contract: 1. This renovation project includes improvements to the athletic playfields, play area, and improves accessible routes of travel to the restroom, field dugouts, play area, and parking lot in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, ICC A117.1-2009, WAC 51- 50, Chapter 11 of the Seattle Building Code, and Chapter 11 of the 2018 IBC with Washington State amendments. When a conflict exists among the reference codes, the most stringent requirement applies. The project details include new equipment for the play area; new drainage, irrigation, grass playing surface, and backstops for the playfields; ADA access to parking, public restroom, and play area. This project also includes a complete renovation of the existing public restroom. Work includes, but is not limited to the following: Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC), Contaminated Soil Removal, Site Demolition, Shoring, Earthwork, Storm Drainage Utilities, Electrical & Lighting, Concrete and Asphalt Pavement, Play Equipment, Play Area Surfacing, Planting, Irrigation, Site Furnishings, Plumbing, Framing, RoofingThe SDCI Building Permit, SEPA Environmental Checklist, and the King County Dewatering Authorization have been obtained by the owner. Permits to be obtained by the contractor include but are not limited to: side sewer permit, electrical permit, SDOT right of way permit and street use permit. Any additional permits and/or permissions that may be required for the Work must be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor must comply with all applicable requirements and regulations. D. The following Work elements are Optional Bid Items that may be incorporated in the Contract. These are more fully described in Section 01 23 00 and further detailed elsewhere in the Drawings and Specifications. Consultant must briefly list any Bid Options that exist. Refer to Section 01 23 00 Base Bid and Optional Bid Items for guidance on terminology and numbering. Note that different numbers must be used for each item, regardless of type. 1. Additive 1: Site Improvements South of Main Entry 2. Additive 2: Embankment Slide 3. Alternate 1: PIP Surface in lieu of EWF 4. Alternate 2: CIP Concrete in lieu of As


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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4801 Corson Ave S, Seattle, WA

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