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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mount Clemens, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR) is seeking proposal from firms interested in providing professional and technical services for the development of Complete Street Guidelines for Macomb County Department of Roads, in accordance with this Request for Proposal (RFP). The Guidelines will help to implement a Complete Streets Policy adopted by the County and will include a preliminary design guide for the various types of streets and corridors. Project Team will be responsible for conducting community engagement meetings to solicit input on the guidelines. The guidelines will provide an overview of transportation services in Macomb County with a background of Complete Street legislation and benefits of complete streets. The guidelines will also summarize all user needs and include observation and considerations for all street typologies. The guidelines will include connections to non-motorized facilities and Safe Streets for All projects with the intent to create a safety corridor. Additionally, the Guidelines would provide direction on the selection and scoping of projects and address both bicycle and pedestrian activity in the County. Macomb County has received a Planning Assistant grant to develop Complete Streets Guidelines. In the grant we stated that we will engage communities in three sections of the County. In the Corridors of Significance Study we broke the County up into North, Central, and Southern regions. We proposed to create design standards for Complete Streets that show what a complete street would look like in all of those areas and show how a complete street can transition between these geographies. Macomb County has Urban, Suburban, and Rural communities. Some urban communities are adjacent to rural areas and some suburban areas are adjacent to rural and urban areas Macomb County Department of Roads has been awarded a multi-community planning assistance grant to aid in the development of Complete Street Guidelines. Macomb County proposes to establish an ad hoc Complete Streets Steering Team with subject matter experts in each of the topic areas to guide the creation and implementation of the Complete Streets guidelines with the design guide. The guidelines will be coordinated with Macomb County's Comprehensive Traffic Safety Action guidelines and Macomb County's Non-Motorized Transportation Policy. Guideline implementation examples could include guiding the continued development of Countywide non-motorized pathway networks, or identifying candidate corridors for right-sizing roads next to a disadvantaged census tract. This would implement goals in Equity, Active Transportation Planning, and Complete Streets. The MCDR is exempt from Michigan State Sales and Federal Excise Taxes. Prices quoted shall not include these taxes. The MCDR will furnish the successful proposer with tax exemption certificates when requested. The MCDR shall reserve the right to terminate the contract without penalty upon 30 days written notice due to poor performance or for any reason deemed to be in its best interest. A designated representative of the MCDR will be solely responsible for determining acceptable performance levels. The representative's decision will be deemed in the MCDR's best interest and will be final. The MCDR reserves the right to re-award the contract to the second most qualified proposal, re-advertise the request or do whatever is deemed to be in its best interest.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 3, 2025


Multiple Locations, Mount Clemens, MI

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