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Site work for a military facility in Enid, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a military facility.

ADD1 - Please make sure that you are submitting the attached required forms completed and sent with bid proposals to be considered for an award. We will accept questions on this project until August 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm (hour) CST by email. Base Bid: Remove and replace 17 Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) slabs, complete-in-place; that have been blown-up, heaved and cracked due to heat distresses. Work includes a full depth spall repair, repainting pavement markings on new slabs and re-cutting two expansion joints to a full depth of 12-inches on blown-up areas. Bid Option: Remove and replace an additional 4 P.C.C. slabs, complete in place and repaint pavement markings. Affected slabs will continue to deteriorate and continue to increase FOD potential in this area. The area is currently barricaded and unusable to the flying community until repairs are completed. Description: ASRC, Artic Slope regional Corporation Federal Field Services, LTC (ASRC) under the BOS contract FA3029-23-C-0001 is contemplating the issue of solicitation for the Work/Project as defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: Statement of Work Notice to Offeror(s)/Supplier(s): Any award will result in a contract between ASRC and selected contractor. There will be no privity of contract between selected contractor and the US Government. No award will be made under this solicitation until funds are available by issuance of funds against ASRC's BOS contract. ASRC reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, either before or after the closing date for receipt of proposals. In the event ASRC cancels this solicitation, ASRC has no obligation to reimburse an offeror for any costs incurred. Qualifications: The lowest responsible bidder is the contractor whose bid was in substantial conformity to the Specifications and Plans and who have satisfactory previous experience in the types of work contained in this solicitation and have a successful track record performing the types of work contained in the project. The dollar amount is only one factor in determining the lowest responsible bidder. Award: ASRC will execute the contract to the selected bidder based on the criteria in the solicitation and upon receiving funding for the project. In the absence of funding no contract will result. Contractors must be aware the project is at Vance AFB and must adhere to all Base access regulations. Commercial inspections are mandatory with each entry to the facility. There shall be no legal liability on the part of the Government or ASRC should funding not be provided. Notice to Offeror (s)/Supplier (s): Funds are not presently available for this effort. No award will be made under this solicitation until funds are available. The Government reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, either before or after the closing date for receipt of proposals. In the event the Government cancels this solicitation, the Government has no obligation to reimburse an offeror for any cost. Bid Evaluation: ASRC Federal will consider a bidder's experience, reputation for satisfactory work, reference checks, financial, technical competence, SAM check, Past Performances, and any other criteria stated in the solicitation. Proposals must be valid for a minimum of 90 days. Site Visit: 20 August 2024 9:00 am (CST) Please notify Shari Lamunyon by email, at least 24 hours in advance of scheduled date/time. Magnitude: $500,000.00 and $1,000,000.00 Offers providing less than 90 calendar days for AFFS acceptance after the date offers are due will not be considered and will be rejected. Please notify Shari Lamunyon if attending by email 24 hrs. in advance. We will accept questions on this project until August 29, 2024 at 3:00 pm (hour) CST by email. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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To Be Determined, Enid, OK

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