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Published August 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition and site work for a residential development in Hammond, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.
The City of Hammond is requesting competitive sealed proposals from qualified contractors interested in contracting with the City of Hammond to provide building demolition services for the removal and clean-up of a site located at 107 N. Cherry St., Hammond, Louisiana. Asbestos assessment has been completed to identify the Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs) present at the 107 N. Cherry St. building. Appendix A referencing a copy of the asbestos location summary report dated May 15, 2024 is attached to and /becomes a part of this Request for Proposal. Full copy of report available upon request. All work, handling and disposal of asbestos and asbestos containing materials must be in strict compliance with applicable environmental and hazardous material laws. Pictures of the building are attached to this Request for Proposal for reference. Demolition work shall be done in strict accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of The City of Hammond. Any questions on Specifications should be addressed in writing to Joey Milazzo at For Additional Information or Questions, Contact: Jana Thurman Soileau - Purchasing Manager for the City of Hammond (985)-277-5633 or Notice to Proceed - No work shall begin until a written Notice to Proceed from the City is received. Demolition - Prior to the starting of the demolition work on any individual parcel the Contractor will be responsible for making sure the utilities, including electric and water service for each building disconnected in strict accordance with the requirements of the City of Hammond. The Contractor shall properly seal all sewers, laterals for down spouts, etc. at the property line with concrete. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for utility services for his own use. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all utilities, which are to remain in use. . The Contractor will be required to meet with the Building Department Director or Designee for a Pre-Demolition meeting located at the site of107 N. Cherry St., Hammond Louisiana before Notice to Proceed will be issued. .The Contractor shall notify The City of Hammond the date and time of the demolition atleast 24 hours prior to commencing work. .The Contractor shall complete the work within Ten (10) calendar days, (excluding legal holidays, Sunday and rain days) from the date of execution of the notice to proceed. The Contractor shall perform the work within the time and in the manner specified, and in conformity with all requirements. ..The Contractor shall certify compliance with all applicable environmental laws regarding disposal of asbestos and asbestos containing material. The Contractor shall use all proper precautions to protect persons from injury. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage and injuries. The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage and injuries. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for all apparatus, equipment as appurtenances as furnished by him in connection with this work until date for final acceptance; special care shall be taken to protect all parts thereof in such a manner as may be necessary or as directed. Precautions shall be executed at all times for the protection of persons (including employees) and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. . The use of explosives to perform the work under this contract is prohibited. . The use of weighted ball (commonly referred to as the "PEARHEAD or HEADACHE BALL") to perform the work under this contract is prohibited. The burning of combustible materials will not be permitted at any time prior, during or after the demolition operations. . No structure shall be moved from the premises as a whole, or any substantially whole condition, but all such buildings shall be demolished on the premises. Caution and care must be exercised to prevent damage to adjacent property, sidewalks, pedestrians, and streetscape. The contractor will be responsible for repair of damage to any adjacent structures, and any curbing, sidewalk, or asphalt damaged during the project. The successful contractor/company will be required to have a business license which will be valid during the term of the contract. RFP Packages are emailed only as a courtesy. The City of Hammond does not assume responsibility for proposers to receive RFP packages. .These specifications are written in a manner to invite open competition. Any manufacturer's names, trade names, brand names, or catalog numbers used in the specifications are for the purpose of describing and establishing general quality levels. Such references are not intended to be restrictive unless the RFP states that only the brand name will be considered for reasons of compatibility, etc. The RFP number, Proposers name, address, License number and RFP opening date shall be clearly printed or typed on the outside of the Proposal envelope, if mailed. Only one (1) proposal shall be accepted from each proposer. Alternates shall not be accepted unless specifically requested in the RFP specifications. A Proposer may be disqualified for breach of any previous contract with the City or unsatisfactory performance under any prior contract with the City. The method of delivery of proposals is the responsibility of the proposer. All proposals shall be received by the Purchasing Department, Hammond City Hall Complex, 310 East Charles Street Hammond, Louisiana on or before the specified RFP opening date and time. Normally, bid bonds will not be required on bids for materials, supplies, annual contracts or small labor contracts. If a bid bond is required it will be included in the specifications. The Contractor at all times during the term of the contract shall maintain and pay for property damage and public liability insurance with limits of at least ($300,000.00) Three-hundred thousand dollars inclusive of bodily injury and property damage for any one occurrence. Prior to commencing work under this contract the Contractor must file with the City a "certificate of insurance" meeting aforementioned requirements with the City of Hammond named insured by added endorsement. All premiums and expense incurred with this insurance shall be paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall assume the defense of and indemnify and save harmless the City and its Officers and Agents from all claims relating to work. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damages or claims for damages or injuries or accidents done or caused by him or his employees, or resulting from the execution of the work, or any operations, or caused by reason of existence or location or condition of facilities or of any materials, supplies, or machinery used thereon or therein, or neglect or omission on his part, or all of the several acts or things required to be done by them, under and by these conditions, and covenants, and agrees to hold the City harmless and indemnified for all such damages and claims for damages. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all losses and all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries, all attorney fees, and judgments of every nature and description made, brought or recovered against the City by reason of any act or omission of the Contractor, his agents or employees, in the execution of his work. Proposers are urged to promptly review the requirements of all specifications and Submit questions for resolution as early as possible during the submittal period. Questions or concerns related to specifications for the scope of work or the project Must be submitted during the proposal period in writing to joey milazzo (milazzo_j@hammond.Org). Other questions must be submitted in writing to the Purchasing manager during the proposal period and shall become part of your Proposal package. Otherwise, this will be construed as acceptance by the proposers That the intent of the specifications is clear and that competitive proposals may be Obtained as specified herein. Protests with regard to the specification documents shall Not be considered after proposals are opened. The proposed work is not required by law to be publically bid. The Louisiana public bid laws do not apply to this request for proposals. The City reserves the right to reject any proposals that are non-responsive or from any proposer who does not meet all requirements. All Proposals may be rejected for any reason, including that there are not sufficient funds for the work, or the City chooses not to proceed with the work.
Residential Subdivision
Public - City
Demolition, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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107 N Cherry St, Hammond, LA
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