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Published September 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a civil project in Hutto, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Work of this Project generally includes expansion of the Hutto South WWTP. More specifically, the Work includes, but is not limited to, construction of the following: 1. Facility 5, Site Civil Improvements: 2. Facility 10, Headworks Improvements: 1. Cast-in-place headworks structure with coarse (6mm) screening, bypass and grit removal 2. Electrical room for headworks equipment 3. Screening and grit collection and storage 3. Facility 15, Odor Control Improvements: 1. Installation of a bioscrubber, ventilation fans and exhaust system for the influent lift station, headworks, and primary clarifier facilities. 4. Facility 16, 17 and 18, Primary Clarifier Improvements: 1. Installation of a primary splitter box and two (2) primary clarifiers with spiral rake sludge collection system, scum pumping and primary solids pumping station. 5. Facility 19, 20 and 30, Process Train Improvements: 1. Installation of two (2) common wall biological process basins with anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic (A20) treatment zones. 2. Integral mixed liquor splitter box to distribute flow to the downstream clarification process. 3. Installation of an independent process basin splitter box structure. 6. Facility 25, Aeration Blower Improvements: 1. Installation of a new blower building with process air blowers and electrical & HVAC equipment. 7. Facility 35 and 40, Secondary Clarifier Improvements: 1. Installation of two secondary clarifiers with spiral rake sludge collection system. 2. Installation of a RAS/WAS pump station and piping. 8. Facility 45, Chemical Feed Improvements: 1. Installation of Alum and sodium hypochlorite feed and storage equipment. 9. Facility 50, 55, and 70, Tertiary Treatment Improvements: 1. Installation of cloth media filters, UV equipment, non-potable water pump station, post aeration and effluent monitoring facilities. 2. These facilities will be installed in common wall basins with an attached electrical building to house electrical equipment for these systems. 10. Facility 60, 62, 64, and 65, Biosolids Improvements: 1. Installation of a new biosolids building with two (2) new centrifuges, solids storage, polymer feed facilities and electrical gear for the equipment. 2. Installation of a new centrifuge pump station with progressive cavity pumps to transfer biosolids from the AHSB to the biosolids building. 3. Conversion of the existing sequencing batch reactor system to allow the basins to be used as aerated sludge holding basins. 4. Rehab of the existing aerated sludge holding tank and belt filter press facilities to improve the performance of the existing gravity thickener and belt filter press. 11. Electrical and SCADA Improvements: 1. Install electrical improvements as required to power the facility. 2. Install backup power generators. 3. Install new transformers and site service. 4. Install new electrical buildings to house power equipment. 5. Install SCADA Improvements. The deadline to ask questions is 9/18/2024 3:00 PM CDT. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGE3MWU4NTItMjdkYi00MjE4LTg3MDItNjMwZmY5YTM5NjAy%40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226854dfc7-49ff-4a8b-87ae-070022537f8a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223fe6e61f-86f9-4a0e-b4b0-54e0cc946839%22%7d Meeting ID: 236 985 503 30 Passcode: weYhoo Dial in by phone +1 469-620-1006,,898780486# United States, Dallas Find a local number Phone conference ID: 898 780 486#


Water / Sewer


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September 26, 2024

October 28, 2024


10710 FM1660, Hutto, TX

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