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Published October 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Camden, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Construction bids for the Burnt Island Pier Improvements project. The work will include but is not limited to demolition of the existing pier, removal of the demolished materials, and construction of a new pier, gangway and float assembly on Burnt Island. Question Deadline 08/22/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Project Description: The State of Maine Department of Marine Resources is proposing to demolish the existing pier, gangway and float, and construct a new pier, gangway and float system on Burnt Island. Project Location: Burnt Island, Southport, Maine BASE BID: Base Bid includes, but is not limited to, demolition of the existing pier, removal of the demolished materials, and constructing a new pier, gangway, and float assembly on Burnt Island. The proposed pier is in approximately the same location as the existing pier and will be 12' wide x 45.5' long with a 10'x12' bump out on the southerly side of the pier. Additionally, a 12' wide x 28.5' sloped ramp is proposed at the east end of the pier. The pier will have wood framing, decking and rail. The proposed bump out will provide access to a new 5'x60' aluminum gangway, 12'x12' concrete float, and 10'x60' concrete float. The pier will be supported by twelve (12) 12" timber piles. Six (6) 14" steel guide piles will be placed to support the floats. Additional improvements include all other project specifics as depicted in the Plan Set and Contract Documents. BID ALTERNATE 1: Bid Alternate 1 replaces concrete floats with one (1) 12'x12' wooden float and one (1) 10'x60' wooden float. BID ALTERNATE 2: Bid Alternate 2 adds two (2) 10" wooden piles with timber lifting beam. BID ALTERNATE 3: Bid Alternate 3 replaces all PT Southern Yellow Pine rail members with IPE. BID ALTERNATE 4: Bid Alternate 4 adds HDPE sleeves on the outside of all steel float piles (6 total).

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Camden, ME

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