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Site work and paving for a transportation facility in Poteau, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission Project No.: RKR-23-PER Question Deadline 08/27/2024 A Bidder requiring a clarification or interpretation of the project documents shall make a written request to the Owner or Engineer. The Owner or Engineer must receive the written request a minimum of seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the bid opening. Questions concerning the Plans and Specifications for this project should be directed to at H.W. Lochners Office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY FREQUENCY (CTAF) 122.800 For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment and performing all work necessary to: Base Bid: Rehabilitate Runway 18-36 Add Alternate 1: Runway Safety Area Grading Add Alternate 2: Additional Base Can Adjustments Add Alternate 3: Rehabilitate Taxiway Connectors. Plans and Specifications are on file and may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, 111 Peters St., Poteau, OK 74953, and at the office of the Consulting Engineers, H.W. Lochner, Inc., 6301 Waterford Blvd., Ste. 310, Oklahoma City, OK 73118. Questions concerning the Plans and Specifications for this project should be directed to at H.W. Lochner's Office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. All bidders submitting a bid must obtain an electronic set of bidding documents from Lochner to submit a valid bid. Any proposal submitted that was obtained from an outside source other than Lochner will be considered an irregular proposal and will be eligible for rejection. When the bidder purchases a set of bid documents, the bidder will be placed on the plan holder's list which is necessary to supply bidders of any addenda that may be issued for the project. When orders for a set of bid documents are received, a link from which the documents can be downloaded will be emailed to the bidder. The bidder will be responsible for downloading, printing and distributing the documents to suppliers and subcontractors. Contract Work Items: This project will involve the following work items and estimated quantities. Prospective bidders are hereby advised that the quantities indicated herein are approximate and are subject to change. Contract Time The owner has established a contract performance time of ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the Notice-to-Proceed. All project work shall be substantially completed within the stated timeframe. This project is subject to liquidated damages as prescribed within the project manual in the Proposal Section. Bid Security Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid. The bid guaranty may be by certified check or bid bond made payable to the City of Poteau, Oklahoma. Bonding Requirements The successful bidder will be required to furnish separate performance, payment, and maintenance bonds each in the amount equal to 100% of the contract price at the time of contract execution. Award of Contract All proposals submitted in accordance with the instructions presented herein will be subject to evaluation. Bids may be held by the City of Poteau, Oklahoma for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of conducting the bid evaluation. Award of contract will be based on the lowest aggregate sum proposal submitted from those bidders that are confirmed as being responsive and responsible. The right is reserved, as the City of Poteau, Oklahoma may require, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids received. Award of contract is contingent upon the owner receiving Federal funding assistance under the Airport Improvement Program and state funding assistance under the Oklahoma Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics. Notice-To-Proceed It is the intent of the Owner to issue the Notice-To-Proceed (NTP) as soon as practical after receipt of grant and the Award of Contract. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Timetables: Goals for minority participation for each trade: 5.6% Goals for female participation in each trade: 6.9%


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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1900 Airport Rd, Poteau, OK

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