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Published October 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a medical facility in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the construction of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

Project No. 2023-744-001 A. The Work of this Project consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, the following. Detailed requirements of the Work are described in the pertinent specification Sections and/or shown n the Drawings. B. General Construction (.1) Contract: 1. The work of the General Construction Prime Contract Package includes, but is not limited to, the work indicated on all construction documents provided, unless specifically noted otherwise. All work to be performed will include labor, materials, equipment, supervision, engineering, and other necessary requirements to complete the work in accordance with documents provided, applicable codes and Authority Having Jurisdiction. 2. An electrical prime contractor will be assigned electrical work related to disconnect, safe off electrical services to the buildings scheduled for demolition. The GC prime contractor will be responsible to perform site and building electrical demolition. Do not perform any demolition without confirmation from the electrical prime contractor all electricity has been dezenergi3ed and made safe for demolition. 3. Reference the documents provided for the location of temporary overhead power arc protection. The electrical prime Contractor will provide the arc protection for overhead power and leave in place at the completion of construction. 4. The GC Prime Contractor will coordinate and manage all work with the electrical prime contractor, it's Subcontractor's, A/E, inspection agencies, AHJ and the Department. This PROJECT IS A STANDARD LOW BID PROJECT and includes GENERAL AND ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. PROJECT TITLE: Norristown State Hospital - New Forensics Building - Early Demolition Package ESTIMATED RANGE: .1 General - $4,000,000 - $5,000,000 & .4 Electrical - Under $100,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES = (.1) $2,500.00 per day & (.4) $500.00 per day. There is no Bid Guaranty required for this Project. DATE FOR RECEIVING BIDS IS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024, AT 2:00 P.M. CLIENT AGENCY REQUIREMENTS: Campus map will be provided in Addendum #1, with location of pre-bid. Due to the presence of hazardous materials, access will NOT be granted to Building 52. The Department of General Services Capital Programs and the Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities (BDISBO) identified this procurement as eligible for the setting of Small Diverse Business (SDB) and/or Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE) participation goals. However, BDISBO did not set SDB and/or VBE participation goals for those procurements that are less than the $600,000 threshold required to set either goal. In addition, there will be no points allocated toward SDB/SB participation for this procurement. This is a significant programmatic change from the SDB and SB Participation program contained in prior Projects issued by Capital Programs. Bidders now must agree to meet the SDB and VBE Participation Goals in full or demonstrate that they have made Good Faith Efforts to meet the Goals. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section regarding Small Diverse Business and Veteran Business Enterprise Participation for further information. The Goals for each Prime Contract is as follows: SDB AND VBE GOALS .1 General Construction - ALL BASE BIDS (#1) SDB = 19% VBE = 3% .4 Electrical Construction ALL BASE BIDS (#1) SDB = NA VBE = NA All proposers must be registered to view/download Plans and Specifications and must have a Current, Active Vendor Number. Due to technical limitations, public bid openings must be viewed using a Windows PC. At this time, mobile devices are not supported. CAPITAL PROGRAMS EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION ACT: THE BIDDER MUST COMPLY WITH THE CAPITAL PROGRAMS EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION ACT 127 OF 2012 BY SUBMITTING TO THE DEPARTMENT A COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL PROGRAMS VERIFICATION FORM ("FORM") WITH THEIR BID OR PRIOR TO THE AWARD OF THE CONTRACT. EXECUTIVE ORDER 2021-06, WORKER PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT (OCTOBER 21, 2021): THE COMMONWEALTH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT EVERY PENNSYLVANIA WORKER HAS A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT AND THE PROTECTIONS AFFORDED THEM THROUGH LABOR LAWS. THE BIDDER MUST CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PENNSYLVANIA STATE LABOR AND WORKFORCE SAFETY LAWS BY SUBMITTING TO THE DEPARTMENT A WORKER PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT CERTIFICATION FORM WITH THEIR BID OR PRIOR TO THE AWARD OF THE CONTRACT. Department/Agency: Department of Human Services "prior DPW" Delivery Location: 1001 Sterigere St Norristown Pennsylvania 19401 County: Montgomery Duration: 330 Calendar Days from date of Initial Job Conference Contact Information First Name: Beth Last Name: Doane Phone Number: (XXX-XXX-XXXX) 216-454-2161 Email: beth.doane@stantec.com




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work




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1001 Sterigere St, Norristown, PA

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