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Published September 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a power facility in Lincoln, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a power facility.

1. Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, services, tools, equipment, and fixtures necessary to perform and complete in a good and workmanlike manner the Work described in the Agreement. All Work shall be done in accordance with all laws, ordinances, building codes, rules and regulations applying to the Work, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act, environmental regulations and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended. Contractor shall have control over, and be solely responsible for, all means, methods, and sequences for performing the Work. 2. Contractor will be responsible for all electrical, sheet metal, plumbing and control wiring associated with the installation of the heat pumps. If installation of the units requires the relocation of unassociated electrical wiring, conduit, or other Items, LES will be responsible for those costs. The Contractor may be requested to provide a quotation to complete this work as it arises, or LES may choose to have another contractor perform the work. Lincoln Electric System is requesting bids for an HVAC installer to remove and install 3 heat pump systems per LES specifications included in this bid solicitation. Successful bidder will be required to complete (1) the LES Standard Contract; 2) furnish proof of insurance with coverage specified in the Contract by an insurance company licensed to do business in Nebraska and rated at least B+ in A.M. Bests Rating. Certificate must show LES listed as additional insured for general liability and include waiver of subrogation; and 3) Return a completed copy of the Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Request Form. Existing facility equipment has begun to fail and has reached the end of its useful life. Equipment will be required to be removed from facility, including auxiliary pieces of equipment. The entire system should be replaced all as new. Lincoln Electric System (LES) is seeking an HVAC installer to remove and install 3 heat pump systems. Heat pumps will be installed at the following locations. 1. Substation 52, 30th & A, 1425 Memorial Dr. West Building. 40.798415, -96.677353 2. Substation 56, 56th & Everett, 1605 S 56th St. North Building. 40.796386, -96.644482 3. Substation 70, 70th & Calvert, 3801 S 70th ST. South Building. 40.774169, -96.625474 LES is soliciting bids from qualified professionals with proven expertise and experience installing air source heat pumps using best practices. All work must be completed by October 31, 2024. The installer will work with LES staff, primarily the Technician for site access and all questions regarding the system. Selected contractor will install split system heat pumps at all 3 substations. Question Deadline 08/23/2024 at 4:00 PM CT All questions must be submitted through this bid portal under the clarifications tab. Acceptance or Rejection of Bids: LES may, in its sole discretion, reject any or all bids, or waive minor defects, irregularities, or informalities therein. The successful bidder and their subcontractors shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of the contract, with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin.


Power Plant


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Lincoln, NE

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