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Published October 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Rock Island, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

A bid tabulation shall be posted online afterward. All questions shall be directed to the Construction Officer at 309-732-2906. Scope of Work The bidder shall submit a project plan using the design standards below that is in compliance with all applicable The City of Rock Island, EPA, and State of Illinois regulations as well as all local building and zoning codes. The plan must include a clear project timeline and budget with line item costs. The contractor shall act as the general contractor for the project using subcontractors as required. Subcontractors that will be required should be clearly identified in the project plan. All ADA rules applied shall follow the 2018 Illinois Accessibility Code. o Establish erosion control with barriers. o Road 10' x 330' x 6" with rock base o ADA sidewalks. 4' wide and 4" thick. See attachment. o Passing spaces shall be installed at intervals 200ft (60" x 60") o Spectating wheel chair spaces @ each court (60" x 60") o 2 concrete pads for park benches @ BB court. o Expansion control joints throughout and must be filled with caulk. o Concrete must be reinforced ( No fiber mesh ) o Finished grade shall have all the concrete edged with top soil graded to slope away from the new concrete, with out creating any ponding or wet spots. o Hydro seed the bare soil upon completion. Alternative specifications shall be considered only if they are clearly justified, cost effective, and meet all project objectives. The contractor shall have 60 days to complete the work from the date of contract signing. Change work orders over the course of the project are strongly discouraged. Bidder Qualifications & Requirements 1. Bidders must be currently licensed with the Illinois Secretary of State, bonded, and insured. 2. Bidders must have or be able to obtain all applicable licenses and permits in addition to meeting all local, state, and federal requirements to perform requested work. 3. Bidders must have and provide proof of General Liability, Vehicle, and Workers Compensation Insurances and name the City of Rock Island as a Certificate Holder. 4. Bidders must own or be able to rent sufficient equipment to complete the work. 5. Bid Bond of 10% is required at the time of the bid opening for any summitted Bids. Prevailing Wage Rates Bidders must adhere to Federal Davis Bacon prevailing wage rates as shown in the attached General Wage Decision for Rock Island Co. It is the policy of The City of Rock Island that all Rehabilitation Housing projects will use commercial wage rates, not residential wage rates. Bidders must complete the attached "Project Wage Rate Sheet" and include it with their bid. It must clearly identify the wage and fringe benefits of each worker with their job classification. Owner-operators are not exempt and must pay themselves prevailing wage rates. HUD Form 4010, "Labor Standards Provisions," is also attached and provides additional guidance. Finally, a sample certified payroll form is attached for reference. HUD Form WH-1321 must be visible posted on-site of the project before work begins. Apprentice certification from the DOL required for all apprentices. Preparation of Bid Each bid must be submitted on paper and delivered in a sealed envelope. Said envelope shall be clearly labeled with "ENCLOSED: Mel McKay Pickleball." The bid must clearly address all requirements as described above. The cost of the work must be separated into line items with individual costs in addition to providing a total project cost. Labor costs and material costs must be clearly delineated. The company name, federal tax ID number, Duns number, contact person, email, phone number, and a date with signature are all required as well. A Bid bond 10% is required to be submitted with the sealed bids. Awarding Contracts The lowest bid shall not automatically guarantee that a contractor will get the work they bid on. Bids shall be reviewed for pricing, experience, previous work history, references, State Licenses, State Registration, insurances, bonds, subcontractors, equipment owned, equipment rented, operator experience, and financial stability. The City at its sole discretion shall decide after a review which contractor, if any, is responsive to the invitation to bid. All bidding and award procedures undertaken by the City in regard to this project shall be consistent with the City's adopted procurement procedures. Submitted bid prices shall remain valid for 60 days after bid opening. Bidder Responsibility Bidders shall keep the bidding process confidential. Each bidder shall be fully acquainted with conditions relating to the site, the scope of work, any current EPA and OSHA regulations pertaining to the work, and restrictions associated with acceptable execution of requested work. Failure or omission of the bidder to acquaint themselves with site conditions shall in no way relieve them of any obligation with respect to their bid or subsequent contract. Federal, State, and Local Reporting Compliance The contractor shall provide financial and programmatic information as required by the City of Rock Island to comply with all Federal, State, and local law reporting requirements. The contractor shall also adhere to all applicable Federal, State and local regulations including but not limited to the following. o US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 40 CFR 745 o US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 CFR 1926 Contact Information The primary contact person for this project is the City's Construction Officer. Jeff Laxton CED Department 1528 3rd Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 309-732-2906 laxton.jeff@rigov.org


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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2294 35th St, Rock Island, IL

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