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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Greensboro, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The city of Greensboro needs someone to provide Right-of-Way maintenance service. Questions regarding the Request for Proposal process should be directed to Only questions received prior to 4:00 p.m. on September 11, 2024, will be considered. The City of Greensboro is requesting proposals for Right-of-Way Maintenance Services. The City is seeking a highly skilled contractor with appropriate experience to perform right-of-way mowing and various landscape restoration and maintenance services. In using this method for solicitation, we are requesting your best effort in seeking the best value for our requirements. To be eligible for consideration, proposals shall be presented in accordance with the instructions of this solicitation and within the timeframe specified. It shall be the responsibility of the selected Offeror to meet all specifications and guidelines set forth herein. The City, at its discretion, determines the criteria and process whereby proposals are evaluated and awarded. No damages shall be recoverable by any challenger as a result of these determinations or decisions by the City of Greensboro. Work will be located within the City of Greensboro right-of-way or City maintained easements beginning at the intersection of Hwy 278 & Hwy 44, extending to the City Limits South on Hwy 44, both East and West on Hwy 278 to the City Limits. Exceptions will be defined by the City Official as they occur. Tasks for the right-ofway mowing, landscape restoration and related maintenance activities are generally described in the following; Mowing Removal of garbage and debris from the mowing areas prior to and after mowing operations. Mow all areas that are not currently part of the improvements of the land owners on City right of way. Mowing cut anticipated to be approximately 3 to 4 inches Clearing medians, shoulders, curb lines and buffers. Mowing will be on a four-week frequency. The contractor to schedule. Streets, Roads and Path Maintenance Removal of sediment that has collected in the curb/gutter line Removal of vegetation from the roadway curb line either by hand or through chemical treatment Removal of sediment and vegetation from the throat and tops of catch basins and similar drainage structures either by hand or through chemical treatment Sweeping of trash and other debris collected along public roadways and other curbed/gutter area 4 Miscellaneous Maintenance Grass cutting in isolated lawn areas. Edging behind curb and or granite curbing and other areas. Weed eating around signposts, utility/infrastructure fixtures Delimbing, trimming, or removal of trees growing in, or into right of ways or easements. Finish mowing height shall be uniform; as applicable Grass clippings and other plant materials shall be picked up and removed from the site after each mowing. Pickup of trash shall occur before and after all mowing operations. 3. The sidewalks, paths, curbs, and other hard surfaces shall be kept free of leaves, litter, grass clippings and debris resulting from mowing. The use of power blowers is acceptable, and accumulations of debris must be removed from the site but not blown unto adjacent property, street surfaces, fence lines, or plant areas. No trash, debris or plant material shall be blown or deposited into curb/gutters or storm drains by the Contractor. If plant material or debris is deposited into the curb/gutter or storm drain during mowing/trimming operations, the Contractor will remove it immediately by hand or mechanical means at no cost to the City. 4. Trash removal shall occur at the following frequency: a) On a monthly basis. b) Right-of-way limit is defined as all areas between centerline at traffic lanes and utility poles. All trash is to be bagged and properly removed for disposal. c) All debris such as fallen trees, tree limbs, household furniture, tires, shopping carts, etc. shall be disposed of in a proper manner. d) Illegal signs and illegal structures within right of way shall be removed and disposed of in a proper manner. Illegal signs shall be designated as any sign that is mounted on any utility pole. Removal of toxic/hazardous materials will not be performed by the Contractor. However, if such materials are found, the Contractor shall notify the City for immediate removal. 5. Tire removal should be included in the submitted lump sum bid. The disposal of tires shall be done at proper locations; disposal tickets should be kept. 6. Maintenance of Hard Surfaces: a) Sediment and other deleterious material shall be removed from the curb line or gutter, concrete, or painted island areas or behind guardrails. Vegetation in sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and other hard surfaces shall receive an approved herbicide application. Any herbicide application will be performed after vegetation is removed by mechanical instrument or other mentioned. d) Chemical treatment should be notated by signage. e) In no case shall any pre or post emergent herbicides with residual characteristics be used in these areas (no staining of concrete surfaces). No restricted-use chemicals shall be used in weed and grass control. Herbicide must be of a glyphosate type (Round Up or approved equal) specifically designed for post-emergent control of weeds and grass. All herbicide application shall be done in accordance with label directions. Federal, state, and local laws shall take precedence for compliance purposes. Identification color may be added to herbicide to track application areas. Color must fade with moisture or within 3-5 days after application. 7. Miscellaneous Landscape Installation, Repair, and Removal and Special Projects: Edging/trimming will also be required along curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and paths. The edging/trimming may be conformed along walls, fences, foundations, behind curbs, sidewalks, paths, shrubs, tree trunks, poles or other objects or structures within or bordering the City right-of-way. The sidewalks, curbs, and other hard surfaces shall be kept free of debris. Use of power blowers is acceptable. Accumulations of debris must be removed from the site and not blown unto adjacent property, street surfaces, fence lines, or plant areas (rough or bedded). Poor weather conditions are not a valid reason for inferior plant growth or survivability if vegetation installation is requested. Any damage to desirable plant material due to Contractor negligence or misuse of pesticides will be remedied by the Contractor at their expense, in a timely manner. Trees, shrub, and groundcover areas shall be kept free of weeds. Bed areas around the welcome signs on Hwy 44 & 278 are not included Landscaped areas around Interstate 20 entrance and exits are not included as well. 8. Brush and Tree Limb Removal: The Contractor shall cut, remove, and properly depose of brush, trees, and tree limbs at locations within right-of-way as specified by the City Official for all woody debris with a caliper size of twelve (12) inches or less. The cost to the City for removal of brush and tree removal larger than twelve inches in caliper will be negotiated between the City and the Contractor; or performed by a third party. Tree limbs overhanging a road, sidewalk or path shall be cut back to prevent damage to persons or property. The Contractor shall notify the City of any unsafe trees detected throughout the City limits. 1. The Offeror shall be responsible for examining the work sites and becoming familiar with the work required at each site. 2. The Contractor shall complete a work sheet identifying work accomplished after each maintenance event. The work sheet shall identify any issues encountered during the project operation 3. The Contractor shall provide competent, suitable, and qualified personnel to perform the work safely and provide sufficient traffic control to provide for the safety of vehicles, workers and pedestrians. The Contractor shall provide a list of all foremen and supervisors who will perform the work. This list will also contain twenty-four (24) hour emergency telephone numbers. 4. The Contractor shall at all times, maintain good work discipline and order at the work site. Contractor, including Contractor's employees and agents, shall treat the public with respect and courtesy while performing work for the City. The use of profanity, disrespectful language and/or behavior is prohibited while performing work. 5. Contractor's vehicles shall be in good repair, free from leaking fluids, properly registered 6. The Contactor shall satisfy the Georgia Department of Transportation's (GDOT) "Work Zone" safety and signage requirements and submit this plan to the City for approval prior to initiating work activities. The Contractor will be required to follow MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways) when working within the City right of way. Lump sum bid provided is inclusive of traffic control and signs. 7. All personnel are required to wear safety vests or other protective clothing, eye protection, etc. Safety vests or work shirts should include company logo or name. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining and funding these articles with final bid submitted to the City 8. Contactor shall purchase and provide all materials and supplies and labor necessary to fulfill the requirements of this proposal. 9. The mowing equipment and other tools utilized shall meet all GDOT requirements for signage, lighting, and related devices. 10. The blocking, detouring and closure of public roads and streets by the Contractor will be at a minimum inconvenience to the public and traffic through the City. 11. The City Official may direct removal of any contractor employee at any-time during performance of this contract for cause. Failures to present the appropriate licenses, performing unsafe acts, or any other questionable acts that expose the City to risk or unfavorable. Each proposal shall provide the following information: 1. Letter of Transmittal: The letter of transmittal must contain the following statements and information: Company name, address, telephone number(s), and website. Name, title, email address, and telephone number of the person(s) to contact and who are authorized to represent the firm and to whom correspondence should be directed. Federal and State taxpayer identification numbers of the firm. Required Forms: 1. Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act Affidavit 2. Subcontractor Affidavit (if applicable) 3. Georgia Department of Agriculture Licenses. Qualifications and Experience 1. Provide a brief history of your company providing services requested in this RFP. 2. Provide experience and expertise of company providing right-of-way services. 3. Provide references for five current clients that the Offeror has provided services for at least three (3) year. The name, phone number, and email address of the primary contact for each reference must be included. 4. Provide an organizational chart of your company. Identify key staff member(s) that will be assigned to the City of Greensboro. 5. Provide a list of equipment to be used on the proposed work. Please indicate if this equipment is currently owned or will be purchased if awarded the contract. 3. Methodology 1. Provide a detailed methodology that comprehensively defines and describes the individual tasks involved in performing Right-of-Way Maintenance Services. 2. Describe your company's approach to maintaining appropriate and timely communication with the City Manager and City staff requests. In addition to the lump sum bid for services, the bid should also include a unit price bid for Hwy 278 East from Main and Broad to the City Limits, Hwy 278 West from Main and Broad to City Limits and Hwy 44 South from Main and Broad to the City Limits.
Sidewalks / Parking Lot
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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