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Published September 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in China Grove, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Jesse C. Carson High School Roof Replacement Project Address: 290 Kress Venture Dr., China Grove, North Carolina 28023 A. All bidders are hereby notified that they shall be properly licensed under the state laws governing their trades. B. Bid security in the amount equal to not less than 5% of the gross amount of the bid is required. C. A Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount of the contract is required. D. Submit questions to REI Engineers, Inc. in writing to the Project Manager's email George Urbaniuk, gurbaniuk@reiengineers.com no later than 5:00 PM at least 7 days prior to the bid due date. Question Deadline 09/03/2024 at 5:00 PM ET A brief outline of the scope of work was reviewed. a. Low Slope Roof Replacement - Roof Areas 001.01 - 001.05: i. Remove and dispose of the roof system including flashings and sheet metal down to the steel deck. ii.Secure the steel deck to structural framing members. iii. Provide 1.5 Roof Insulation mechanically attached. iv. Provide 1.5 Roof Insulation adhered in foam adhesive. v.Provide Tapered Insulation Crickets where indicated in Contract Drawings adhered in foam adhesive. vi. Provide Cover Board adhered in foam adhesive. vii. Provide a two-ply modified bitumen roof membrane along with flashings and accessories. viii. Replace sheet metal flashings and trim. ix. Provide a complete, watertight, 20-year warrantable roof assembly. b. Replace Unit Skylights where indicated in Contract Drawings. Refer to Section 08 62 00 Unit Skylights. c. Provide electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other related trade work necessary to facilitate project operations. Relocate or raise conduit, HVAC equipment, curbs, and/or plumbing necessary to comply with the requirements of these documents and conform to the requirements of the State Building Code. i. Conduct construction operations so that heat, air conditioning, ventilation, electrical, telephone, gas, water, sanitary, storm sewer, and any other service required for the building operations are maintained at all times during normal working hours. Any shutdowns or interruptions shall be coordinated with and approved by the owner.




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September 10, 2024

October 10, 2024


290 Kress Venture Dr, China Grove, NC

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