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Published October 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Sergeant Bluff Luton CSD East Campus - Phase I - The project consists of general trades construction, electrical construction, civil trades construction, and other related work, as indicated in the drawings and specifications. The project location is 201 Port Neal Road, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054. The estimated value of this project is $5,000,000 USD. The work is scheduled for one period, with substantial completion being June 25th, 2025. if interested, please provide the POC assigned for this project: If you have any questions, contact Cody Hock @ christopher.hock@sitelogiq.com or contact SitelogIQ at 952-223-4411 1. The awardee of this Work Package shall be considered a Prime Contractor. 2. The General Trades Contractor shall be responsible for providing the Building Permit along with any other permits fees licenses and inpections by government agencies necessary for proper execurtion and completion of the Work of this bid package. 3. General Trades Contractor shall be responsible for providing labor, material, and equipment to complete work associated with the Divisions 00 through 10, including any Sections referenced but not included therein. 4. The General Trades Prime Contractor shall be the sole provider of refuse dumpsters for construction, and demolition work associated with this project for all trades. Comply with Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." 5. The General Trade Prime Contractor shall provide Sanitary Facilities for all trades including portable toilets and portable hand wash stations. Comply with Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." 6. The General Trades Prime Contractor shall provide labor for daily site cleanup for safe housekeeping means. Comply with Section 017300 "Execution." 7. Include timely submission of insurance certificates, shop drawing submittals, schedule of values, product data, etc. 8. Provide any required disposal manifests. 9. Provide and allow for protection of structure, site, and materials to remain. 10. Include sufficient manpower to comply with the construction schedule. 11. Provide all necessary equipment such as cranes, scaffold, hoists, lifts, etc, as required for a complete installation. 12. Establish and comply with a project safety program, and OSHA guidelines. 13. Provide regular site cleanup as directed by the construction manager. 14. Coordinate Demolition and Construction activities with other trades 15. Temporary roads, enclosures, standing water control and other temporary facility and control items as outlined here and within specification section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." a. Re-grade construction site and staging areas after every rain event as needed and no later than 8 hours after any rain event over 1/4 inch Erosion control and all associated maintenance, repair, removal and restoration of grounds to be included b. Provide temporary dewatering facilities and drains as required. Dewatering devices such as tarping, trenches, pumps, etc to be maintained 7 days a week 24 hours a day to promote a dry construction site. c. Coordinate all disruptions with the program manager. Trench no more than 10 feet at a time so as to keep access to construction entrance for trucks, workers and deliveries at all times. Provide access ramps or temporary grading as needed to keep access for all construction activities at all times. Cutting off access for more than 15 minutes during regular work hours will not be permitted without prior approval and coordination with construction program manager. 16. Provide final cleaning per Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." 17. Include timely submission of insurance certificates, shop drawing submittals, schedule of values, product data, etc.




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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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201 Port Neal Rd, Sergeant Bluff, IA

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