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Published August 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission is implementing a habitat enhancement project to create late-successional oak forest conditions on SGL 44 located in Elk County, Pennsylvania. If you have any questions about this project please contact Gary Glick at 570-398-4744 ext 30310. Duration: Upon Award through 6/20/25 All work must be completed by the termination date: June 20, 2025. No contract extension will be approved. The Commission reserves the right to evaluate the proposed equipment and operators and reject any part of the operation that in the Commission's said opinion will result in unsatisfactory performance. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A.As a further guarantee of faithful performance of the conditions set forth in this contract, the Successful bidder hereby agrees to furnish the Commission with Certified Check, Savings Account, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or other security acceptable to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, in the sum of $2,000. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is implementing a habitat enhancement project to create late-successional oak forest conditions on SGL 44 located in Elk County, Pennsylvania. SGL 44 is located near the town of Ridgway, PA off US Route 219. The Devils Den project site can be accessed via a PGC maintained haul road that connects with Snow Drift Road at 41.37117 N, 78.69080 W. The Project will consist of hand felling undesirable trees including ALL Black Birch and Stripped Maple, (greater than 5ft tall) in addition to RED MAPLE, BLACK GUM, and AMERICAN BEECH trees between 1'' and 8" DBH on approximately 215 acres of STEEP TERRAIN. Some black gum and American beech trees under 12.0'' DBH have been marked with RED paint. These trees have been reserved because of their desirable qualities and are not to be cut or damaged. Utilization of felled material is not allowed, and no trees maybe removed from the project area. There are an estimated 267 undesirable trees/acre within the project area. This number is an estimate based on data collected by PGC staff in June 2023. Stem density and size is highly variable throughout the stand, and all bidders are encouraged to walk the entire site prior to submitting a bid. The Project area is divided into two units which are shown on the map in ATTACHMENT 2. The Project boundary is painted with BLUE diagonal slashes. Georeferenced PDF maps of the Project area will be made available to the awardee. Purchase Orders require the contractor to provide the equipment, labor, insurance, and all miscellaneous expenses to complete the operation. Any questions concerning the technical aspects of this bid should be directed to the Regional Forester: Gary Glick PGC, Northcentral Region 1566 PA Route 44 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 Phone: 570-660-9416 Email: gaglick@pa.gov Any questions concerning the site characteristics and location of this project should be directed to Assistant Regional Forester: Travis Weinzierl Phone: 814-335-6470 Email: trweinzier@pa.gov. As a further guarantee of faithful performance of the conditions set forth in this contract, the Successful bidder hereby agrees to furnish the Commission with Certified Check, Savings Account, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or other security acceptable to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, in the sum of $2,000.


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Snowdrift Rd, Ridgway, PA

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SGL 44 Devils Den Tree Felling

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