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Published October 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Brookville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The current roof is aged Ballast EPDM with a couple of active leaks. There is some ponding between drains. EPDM is pulling away in a couple areas. The section of roof to be replaced is 8,376 square feet. Work should include the following: . Remove and dispose of existing Ballast, EPDM and top layer of fiberboard. Including all metal edging. . Contractor will provide dumpster and removal. . Existing decking is assumed to be okay, if any rotted or weak decking is deterred, the Borough will be notified of any additional costs. . Install one layer of recovery board, mechanically attached with metal screws and washer. Boards to be installed in an overlapping pattern. . Install water diverters as needed. . Slope roof to prevent ponding as needed. . Install 60 mil Elvaloy Reinforced TPO Membrane (OutPost) or Evergaurd. . Membrane to be mechanically attached to the substrate. . Install retrofit drain pans, pipe flashings and pitch pockets as needed. . All seams and accessories to be heat welded with a robotic or hand-held Leister welder. . Installation will follow manufacturer's specifications. . Include a 20 year (or more) non-pro-rated material warranty. . Include a 2 year (or more) non-pro-rated labor warranty. Prevailing wage rates apply. The prevailing wage project rate table is available in theBorough office. Brookville Borough hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by allBidders, to reject any or all Bids submitted; and also reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received, but any contract work awarded will be to the lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder for each contract or combination of bids. Except as otherwise provided by law, no Bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 daysafter the actual date of the Bid Opening.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Brookville, PA

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