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Published August 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Oregon, Ohio. Conceptual plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Maumee Bay Boardwalk Improvements Phase 2. Estimated Basic Fee Range 6% to 8%. Percent of initial Total A/E Fee: 5.0% Professional Services Start: 12 / 24, Professional Services Completed: 05 / 28 Total Project Cost: $4,664,000 Submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Julie Endicott at engineering@dnr.ohio.gov with the project number included in the subject line (no phone calls please). Questions will be answered and posted to the Opportunities page on the OFCC website at online. During the construction period, provide not less than 16 hours (excluding travel time) on-site construction administration services each week, including (1) attendance at progress meetings, (2) a written field report of each site visit, (3) on-site representation comprised of the A/E and its consultant staff involved in the primary design of the project, all having relevant and appropriate types of construction administration experience. Scope of Services The selected firm will be responsible for reviewing relevant historical reports, prior assessments, inspections, and any additional documentation provided by ODNR. The selected firm shall apply for and obtain all necessary regulatory permits, maintain current estimates of probable construction costs through the design, and assist with bidding and construction administration services. Topographic surveying, ecological assessments, and cultural resources assessments will likely be required. The selected firm will provide the engineering assessments and calculations needed to advance the design, including structural, geotechnical, and hydraulics engineering. Project Description The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), through the Division of Parks and Watercraft, is responsible for the management of Maumee Bay State Park in Lucas County. Maumee Bay State Park offers a variety of amenities, including a boardwalk through a littoral/marsh area. The existing boardwalk was constructed in 1992. The initial phase of the removal of the existing boardwalk and its replacement is currently scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2024. The purpose of this Project is to complete the replacement of the boardwalk system and improve the transition from the adjacent Visitor Center to the boardwalk, increasing accessibility while reducing congestion on to an on the trail system. The remaining 1-mile of boardwalk are to match the size, materials, etc. from previous phases of work. ODNR may consider additional viewing areas to be constructed to allow trail users to move off the pathway and enjoy the beauty of the wetland. Through this selection process, ODNR will engage a firm to provide professional services for the design, permitting, demolition of the existing boardwalk and associated replacement. Project Location Maumee Bay State Park. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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RFQ - Architect / Engineer - Maumee Bay Boardwalk Improvements Phase 2

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