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Site work and outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

Reference Number 0000361147 The work generally includes, but is not limited to the following: Construction of a Multi-Use Synthetic Turf field, track, throwing events area, field lighting, spectator areas, stormwater management systems, utilities, and other work within the Project Limits as indicated on site plans. General Requirements - Bidder /Preregistration Required - Bid Deposit Required - Federally Funded - FOB Destination - Installation Required - Insurance Required - Material Safety Data Sheets Required - Prevailing Wage Required - Safety Standards Plan Award Requirements - Reserve Rights to Award by Line Item Question Deadline 09/13/2024 at 4:30 PM ET Questions are submitted online No. Questions regarding this solicitation should be submitted via email to Ken Allaire, Purchasing Agent, at and Joe Weed, Engineer Representative, at Bonding Requirements - Bid Bond 5 % - Performance Bond 100 % - Payment Bond 100 % Bid Bond: Vendors responding to this solicitation must furnish, with their bid proposals, either a bid bond from a surety licensed to conduct business in the State of Rhode Island or a certified check payable to the City of Woonsocket in the amount of five percent (5%) of the vendor's cost proposal. Performance/Payment Bond: The successful bidder must furnish one hundred percent (100%) payment and performance bonds from a surety licensed to conduct business in the State of Rhode Island prior to issuance of a purchase order. Project Timeline: The project must be substantially complete prior to September 1, 2025. Withdrawal of Bids: No bidder may withdraw their bid within sixty (60) days after the actual time and date of the bid opening thereof. Rejection of Bids: The City reserves the right to cancel this ITB, award on the basis of cost alone, accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part. The City further reserves the right to waive as an informality any irregularities contained in any bid not affecting substantial rights that may be in the City's best interest. Bids found to be technically or substantially nonresponsive at any point in the review process will be rejected and not considered further. Any such decision will be considered final. Bid date notes: Physical bids must be submitted in duplicate, placed in a sealed envelope and identified with the following information: "CASS PARK ATHLETIC FACILITIES, Bid No. 6269" including the name of the company submitting the bid. The work, in general, consists of the following: 1. Survey and stake the stormwater basin, limit of disturbance, and location of the sedimentation barriers. 2. Place sedimentation barriers as shown on the plans and staked in the field. 3. Install the construction entrance. 4. Strip and stockpile the top and subsoil as indicated on the plans. 5. Clear and grub areas for work. 6. Begin construction for the improvements (excavating and grading). 7. Excavate to subgrade. Use suitable on-site material in areas where fill is required to bring the surface to subgrade. 8. Install stormwater conveyance and collection system. 9. Install perforated subdrain piping. 10. Construct walls, curbs, fencing, and other improvements as indicated on the plans. 11. Fine grade subgrade layer as indicated on the plans. Care shall be taken to not over compact subgrade layer. 12. Fine grade athletic fields and all disturbed areas. 13. Excess stockpile material shall be removed and disposed of off-site in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. 14. Restore the temporary stockpile area to meet or exceed existing conditions. 15. Clean and flush all drain pipes. 16. Sod areas as indicated on the plans. 17. Loam and seed all disturbed areas. 18. Following site stabilization, remove and dispose of all accumulated sediment from the stormwater management system. 19. Clean and flush all drain pipes. 20. Remove the temporary construction entrance and sedimentation barriers.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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September 27, 2024

November 6, 2024


350 Cumberland Hill Rd, Woonsocket, RI

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