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Published September 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Portland, Texas. Completed plans call for the addition of a 31,724-square-foot, five-story above grade educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The School District will receive the Proposal and evaluate the submittal according to the selection criteria in order to determine which Proposal offers the best value to the District. The District will, within forty-five (45) days of the opening of Proposals, rank each of the Proposers using the Selection Criteria. Each Proposer will be notified of the rankings. If cost objectives cannot be reached with the top ranked offer, the District will move to the second ranked offer and other offers in turn until the cost objectives are met. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL A. The Proposer shall submit a competitive sealed proposal for the General Construction of the project as bound in the project manual, Section 00 42 00 Proposal Form and Section 00 43 93 Proposal Submittal Checklist. A proposal will be considered incomplete unless all portions of the Proposal are submitted. The Proposer's competitive sealed Proposal shall include all of the following items: 1. Proposal submission: a. Proposal Section 00 42 00-Proposal Form. b. Forms and Qualifications as listed in 00 43 93-Proposal Submittal Checklist c. Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Bid Bond for no less than 5% of the largest possible total for the proposal submitted for both the base proposal and ALL alternates. B. The successful Proposer will be required to enter into a contract with the Gregory-Portland ISD and to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond of approved form through an approved bonding company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and currently listed in the Department of Treasury Federal Register, in the amount of not less than 100% of the contract price, conditioned upon the performance of the contract. Performance and Payment Bonds shall be in full compliance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2253. AIA Bonds (AIA Document A312) do not comply. Bonding Companies using "Reinsuring Insurance Companies" to expand the Bonding Companies Bonding Limits will not be acceptable unless also approved by the Owner. WAGE RATES A. Attention is called to the fact that the Contractor must comply with all Federal, State and Local labor laws, including Chapter 2258 Texas Government Code Title 10, which requires that the Contractor pay not less than the following prevailing wage rates and rates for legal holidays and overtime, which have been ascertained by the awarding body and listed in Section 00 43 43 - Wage Rate Requirements DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES A. In accordance with LGC 2252.908, the awarded Vendor is required to submit to the Texas Ethics Commission a fully executed Form 1295 electronically. The Texas Ethics Commission WILL NOT accept a paper submittal. Upon submittal of that form to the Texas Ethics Commission, the awarded Vendor MUST forward a copy of the submitted form to the Director of Purchasing. The District must then go to the Texas Ethics Commission and acknowledge that you have submitted Form 1295. NO CONTRACT CAN/WILL BE SIGNED OR EXECUTED UNTIL THIS PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Question Deadline 09/12/2024 PROPOSAL GUIDELINES A. Attention is called to the fact that the Owner is exempt from the payment of the State Sales Tax normally levied against material costs. The contract sum, as identified by the Proposal, shall not include any allowance for the payment of State Sales Tax on materials required to complete the work. The successful Proposer, upon award of the contract, will be furnished with a permit number, which will enable him to purchase the required materials without payment of such taxes. B. The Project Manual and Drawings and all Addenda will be made available online. C. Questions regarding these items can be directed to: Chris Casarez, ccasarez@g-pisd.org, (361)777-1091 x-1039. D. The Architect will supply Project Manual and Drawings to various plan rooms where it appears to be in the Owner's interest to do so. E. All definitions set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, and the Supplementary General Conditions included in the Project Manual are applicable to the Instructions to Proposers. F. Contract Documents include the Advertisement or Invitation for Proposal, Instructions to Proposers, the Proposal Form, and the proposed contract documents (drawings and project manual), including any addenda issued prior to receipt of competitive sealed proposals. G. Addenda are written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the contract which modify or interpret the proposal documents, including drawings and project manual, by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections and should be acknowledged by the Proposer on the Proposal form. Addenda will become part of the contract documents when the construction contract is executed. ADDENDA WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE OF GREGORYPORTLAND ISD. NO ADDENDA WILL BE MAILED OR FAXED TO ANY PLANHOLDER. H. Each Proposer, by making a competitive sealed proposal, represents that he has carefully studied, compared, and understands the contract documents including any and all addenda items. I. Each Proposer, by making a competitive sealed proposal, represents that he has familiarized himself with and understands the local conditions under which work is to be performed, including prevailing subsurface conditions. J. All competitive sealed proposals must be prepared on the form provided by the Architects and submitted with all other required material in accordance with the Instructions to Proposers. When the proposal contains multiple "Bid Items", it shall be understood that the Owner may award each Proposal Item separately, or in any combination that the Owner chooses. K. A proposal is invalid if it has not been deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of proposals indicated in the Advertisement or Invitation for Proposal or prior to any extension thereof issued to the Proposers. L. Unless otherwise provided in any supplement to the Instruction to Proposers, no Proposer shall modify, withdraw or cancel his proposal or any part thereof for forty-five days after the time designated for the receipt of proposals in the Advertisement or Invitation for Proposal. M. Each Proposer represents that his competitive sealed proposal is based upon the material and equipment described in the contract documents. N. Each Proposer shall carefully study and compare the proposal documents, and not later than seven (7) days prior to the date for receipt of competitive sealed proposals, shall make written request to the Architect for interpretation or correction of any ambiguity, inconsistency or error therein which he may discover. Any interpretation or correction will be issued in a written addendum by the Architects. Only a written interpretation or correction by an addendum shall be binding. No Proposer shall rely upon any interpretation or correction given by any other method. O. No substitution will be considered unless written request has been submitted to the Architect for approval at least seven (7) days prior to the date for receipt of proposals. Each such request shall include a complete description of the proposed substitute, the name of the material or equipment for which it is to be substituted, drawings, cuts, performance and test data and any other data or information necessary for a complete evaluation. P. If the Architect approves any proposed substitution, such approval will be set forth in an Addendum. Q. Should the particular equipment, which any bidder proposes to install, require other space conditions other than those shown on the drawings, he shall arrange for such space with the Architect before submitting a bid. Should changes become necessary because of failure to comply with this requirement, the contractor shall be fully responsible for making such changes. The contractor shall be required to submit working drawings of all equipment, which varies from the drawings and the project manual, and any interference must be eliminated before work proceeds. R. The Proposer acknowledges the right of the Owner to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or irregularity in any proposal received. In addition, the Proposer recognizes the right of the Owner to reject a proposal if the Proposer failed to furnish any required bid security or to submit the data required by the contract documents, or if the proposal is in any way incomplete or irregular. S. By submitting a proposal, each proposer agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against the Owner, the Architect/Engineer, and their respective employees, arising out of or in connection with the administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any proposal; waiver of any requirements under the Bid Documents; or the Contract Documents; acceptance or rejection of any proposals; and award of the Contract. T. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the price in the Proposal, the Owner reserves the right to adopt the price written in words or to reject the Proposal. GUARANTEES A. Besides guarantees required elsewhere, contractor shall guarantee the work in general for one year. Contractors shall be held responsible for and must make good any defects arising or discovered in any part of his work within one year period noted on the form, and in certain other parts as required by the project manual for a long period. Where detailed specifications call for guarantees as above specified, they shall cover the special features called for. B. In addition to guarantees called for elsewhere in the project manual, the contractor shall guarantee all of his work for a period of one year after the date of substantial completion against defective material or faulty workmanship that may arise within that period. C. All guarantees must be submitted to the Architect before the final payment request will be approved. D. All guarantees must be submitted to the Architect in the following form as prerequisite to acceptance for payment. Contact Info Primary Contact Chris Casarez Email Address ccasarez@g-pisd.org Phone No. 361-777-1091 ext 1039




Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work




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