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Published November 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

As of November 18, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established. Questions concerning the Instructions to Bidders, Form of Contract, Insurances and Bonds shall be addressed to the Office of Procurement and Contracts, Department of Administration, Suite 451S, 900 S.W. Jackson Street, Topeka, Kansas 66612, telephone (785) 296-0002. Question Deadline 09/08/2024 Requests for clarifications and interpretations of the Construction Contract Documents (Technical Specifications and Drawings) shall be presented to the Project Architect/Engineer in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the date on which bids are to be opened. Value: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 Budget: $1,200,000 . Each bid submitted in connection with this Project shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the base bid, payable without condition to the State of Kansas. B. The bid bond shall be accompanied by a Power of Attorney showing the authority of the person executing the bond on behalf of the Surety Company and should be approved by the Director, Procurement and Contracts prior to opening of bids. C. An annual bid bond on file with the Director, Procurement and Contracts, may be acceptable for this transaction providing it is equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of the base bid and is payable without condition to the State of Kansas. This bond must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney showing the authority of the person executing the bond on behalf of the Surety Company. Note: Use of an annual bid bond must be approved by the Director, Procurement and Contracts a minimum of five (5) days prior to the opening of bids. The Director of Procurement and Contracts may disapprove the use of an annual bid bond if said bond is being used as a bid guaranty on more than one (1) project at the same time. D. In the event of an award, the responsible bidder offering the lowest bid price meeting Specifications will be required to enter into a Contract and provide proof of insurance in the amount required for the project. Said bidder shall also provide a Performance Bond for the full amount of the Contract. In addition, the bidder will be required to furnish a Public Works Bond for a project of $100,000 or greater, for the full amount of the contract. A Certificate of Deposit, in an amount of 100% of the Contract amount, may be substituted for a Performance and Public Works Bond. All the above documents must be completed and returned within fifteen (15) calendar days after their receipt. Failure to return these documents within the required time period may cause a cancellation of the award and a forfeiture of the full amount of the bid guaranty. Procurement and Contracts may also suspend a bidder from bidding State construction work for six (6) months for failure to comply with this section. E. Bond forms will be provided by Procurement and Contracts and must be executed with a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Kansas. The undersigned agrees to have the work of the project to a point of final completion, including all punch list items, ready for the Project Architect/Engineer's final inspection and the Owner's and Office of Facilities and Property Management's acceptance, in 300 Calendar days (or less) following issuance of the written Notice to Proceed.

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September 20, 2024

November 18, 2024


5920 SE Coyote Dr, Topeka, KS

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