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Published August 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Monroe, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Refer ALL Inquiries regarding this IFB to: Anthony Barbour, Director of Purchasing Email: abarbour@spcc.edu Phone: 704-272-5383 Instructions: It shall be MANDATORY that a representative from each Vendor be present for a pre-bid site visit. Attendees must arrive promptly. All attendees must sign in upon arrival and clearly indicate each prospective Vendor represented on the sign in sheet. LATE ARRIVALS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SIGN IN OR PARTICIPATE IN THE SITE VISIT, NOR SHALL THEIR BID BE CONSIDERED. Once the sign-in process is complete, all other persons wishing to attend may do so to the extent that space and circumstances allow. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MANDATORY SITE VISIT SHALL RESULT IN VENDOR'S BID BEING DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE AND NOT CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. The purpose of this visit is for all prospective Vendors to apprise themselves of the conditions and requirements which will affect the performance of the work called for by this IFB. We will be visiting all four (4) campuses located in Union and Anson Counties. Vendors must stay for the duration of the site visit .No allowances will be made for unreported conditions that a prudent Vendor would recognize as affecting the work called for or implied by this IFB. Vendors are cautioned that any information released to attendees during the site visit, other than that involving the physical aspects of the facility referenced above, and which conflicts with, supersedes, or adds to requirements in this IFB, must be confirmed by written addendum before it can be considered to be a part of this IFB and any resulting contract. BID QUESTIONS Upon review of the IFB documents, Vendors may have questions to clarify or interpret the IFB in order to submit the best bid possible. To accommodate the Bid Questions process, Vendors shall submit any such questions by the "Submit Written Questions" date and time provided in the IFB SCHEDULE Section above, unless modified by Addendum. Written questions shall be emailed to abarbour@spcc.edu by the date and time specified above. Vendors should enter "IFB # 76-20240717: Questions" as the subject for the email. Questions received prior to the submission deadline date, the State's response, and any additional terms deemed necessary by the State will be posted in the form of an addendum to the electronic Vendor Portal (eVP), https://evp.nc.gov, and shall become an Addendum to this IFB. No information, instruction or advice provided orally or informally by any State personnel, whether made in response to a question or otherwise in connection with this IFB, shall be considered authoritative or binding. BID SUBMITTAL IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an absolute requirement. Late bids, regardless of cause, will not be opened or considered, and will be automatically disqualified from further consideration. Vendor shall bear the sole risk of late submission due to unintended or unanticipated delay. It is the Vendor's sole responsibility to ensure its bid has been received as described in this IFB by the specified time and date of opening. The time and date of receipt will be marked on each bid when received. Any bid or portion thereof received after the bid deadline will be rejected. Mailing address for delivery of bid via US Postal Service BID NUMBER: 76-20240717 South Piedmont Community College Attn. Anthony Barbour PO Box 126 Polkton, NC 28135 Office Address of delivery by any other method (special delivery, overnight, or any other carrier). BID NUMBER: 76-20240717 South Piedmont Community College Attn. Anthony Barbour 680 US Hwy. 74W Polkton, NC 28135 CAUTION: For bids submitted via U.S. mail, please note that the U.S. Postal Service generally does not deliver mail to a specified street address but to the State's Mail Service Center. Vendors are cautioned that bids sent via U.S. Mail, including Express Mail, may not be delivered by the Mail Service Center to the agency's purchasing office on the due date in time to meet the bid deadline. All Vendors are urged to take the possibility of delay into account when submitting bids by U.S. Postal Service, courier, or other delivery service. Attempts to submit a bid via facsimile (FAX) machine, telephone, or email in response to this IFB shall NOT be accepted. a) Submit a signed, original executed bid response and one (1) un-redacted copies on CD, DVD or flash drive and, if required, one (1) redacted (Proprietary and Confidential Information Excluded) copies on CD, DVD or flash drive of your bid simultaneously to the address identified in the table above. b) Submit your bid in a sealed package. Clearly mark each package with: (1) Vendor name; (2) the IFB number; and (3) the due date. Address the package(s) for delivery as shown in the table above. If Vendor is submitting more than one (1) bid, each bid shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and marked accordingly. For delivery purposes, separate sealed envelopes from a single Vendor may be included in the same outer package. Bids are subject to rejection unless submitted with the information above included on the outside of the sealed bid package. c) Copies of bid files must be provided on separate read-only CD's, DVD's or flash drives. File contents shall NOT be password protected but shall be in .PDF or .XLS format and shall be capable of being copied to other sources. d) If confidential and proprietary information is included in the bid, also submit one (1) signed, REDACTED copy of the bid. Such information may include trade secrets defined by N.C. Gen. Stat. 66-152 and other information exempted from the Public Records Act pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. 132- 1.2. Vendor may designate information, Products, Services, or appropriate portions of its response as confidential, consistent with and to the extent permitted under the statutes and rules set forth above. By so redacting any page, or portion of a page, the Vendor warrants that it has formed a good faith opinion, having received such necessary or proper review by counsel and other knowledgeable advisors, that the portions determined to be confidential and proprietary and redacted as such, meet the requirements of the Rules and Statutes set forth above. However, under no circumstances shall price information be designated as confidential. If the Vendor does not provide a redacted version of the bid with its bid submission, the Department may release an unredacted version if a record request is received. Failure to submit a bid in strict accordance with these instructions shall constitute sufficient cause to reject a Vendor's bids(s). Vendors are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to upload bids. Critical updated information may be included in Addenda to this IFB. It is important that all Vendors responding to this IFB periodically check the State's eVP website for any Addenda that may be issued prior to the bid opening date. All Vendors shall be deemed to have read and understood all information in this IFB and all Addenda thereto.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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4209 Old Charlotte Hwy, Monroe, NC

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